Agenda item

Open Forum

In accordance with Paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.  This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair.  No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair.


In accordance with paragraph 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, the Chair allowed members of the public to make representations or ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee:-


a)  Council’s Policy regarding gritting on pavements

David Salinger, a local resident informed the meeting that he had not received any clarification in relation to the Council’s policy regarding gritting on pavements in view of the dangers to the public, especially for those with specific mobility problems.


Jason Singh, Acting West North West Area Manager responded that the policy was outlined under Matters Arising, and that a copy of the Council’s winter service plan would be sent to Mr Salinger.


b)  Planning Matters/Wellbeing Budget/Neighbourhood Index

Dr Richard Tyler, Leeds HMO Lobby made reference to the following  issues:-


Planning Matters

·  HMO Consultation – he reported that the results of the consultation process had been announced on 27th January 2010 and following this announcement, the Use Classes Order would now be amended, subject to HMOs planning control. It was noted that the consultation was overwhelmingly in favour of this amendment and was due to come into effect on 3rd April 2010


·  Core Strategy Consultation –  he reported that the responses were overwhelmingly in support of the Council’s proposals on Specialist Accommodation (which included students’ housing and new policies on housing mix). He requested the Area Committee to lobby planners to implement these policies as soon as possible which was duly supported by Members.

The Chair agreed to bring back a paper on this item when appropriate


·  Community Planner – he reported that Jade Corcoran was resigning as Community Planner in early March and on behalf of residents he wished to place on record his thanks for her valuable support over the last two years


The Chair responded and agreed to write, on behalf of the Area Committee, to Jade Corcoran conveying the Committee’s appreciation of the work undertaken within the NW Inner area. The Committee also supported the retention of the Community Planning Officer post which would be debated later in the meeting under the wellbeing item


·  Wellbeing Budget – he reported his concerns that 25% of revenue was to be allocated in tackling student - generated problems (Woodhouse Moor, waste collection, Leave Leeds Tidy). Since the city benefited from the universities, he suggested that these costs should be born by the city as a whole


·  Neighbourhood Index – he reported his concerns that the Index was suspect and disadvantageous to Inner NW Leeds. He made reference to the work undertaken on this issue by Leeds HMO Lobby which highlighted that the Index misrepresented the character of the area


c)  HMO Issues

Councillor M Hamilton referred to HMO issues and praised the work undertaken by Jade Corcoran in this area. He also wished to place on record his appreciation to Dr Richard Tyler who had  been a major player in HMO issues. He informed the meeting that there had been a recent meeting of Plans Panel Chair’s to discuss the way forward with a view to finalising a plan of action which would be brought back to this meeting in due course.


d)  Wellbeing Monies – Leave Leeds Tidy Project

Councillor B Atha  referred to the issue of spending wellbeing monies on commercial waste. He stated that, in his opinion, the Landlords were to blame for this increasing problem. He condemned this practice and put forward a motion from this meeting to request that the Executive Board deplores the spending of wellbeing monies by Area Committees in relation to commercial waste.


Councillor J Monaghan made reference to the Leave Leeds Tidy Project and suggested it would be helpful for the Executive Board to ask the universities to make a contribution in this area.


The Chair responded and noted the above comments. He confirmed that the ‘Leave Leeds Tidy Project’ would be debated later under the wellbeing item.


e)  City of Leeds High School

Marian Charlton, a local resident referred to the need for the retention of the City of Leeds High School and to bring the school up to a required standard.


In addition to this, Ms D E Long, on behalf of Leeds Schools Together, also supported the comments made for the retention of the City of Leeds High School. She also made specific reference to a recent public meeting where a number of proposals were put forward.


The Chair responded and noted the specific comments made.


f)  New Blog by the Guardian Newspaper

Councillor J Monaghan referred to the debate undertaken at the Council Meeting yesterday regarding a new blog by the Guardian Newspaper. It was noted that John Baron, a journalist, would be attending as many Council meetings as possible as his brief was to ‘better cover the goings on of local government’.


He suggested that as the North West (Inner) Area Committee was heavily active in public engagement, an invitation should be made to Mr Baron to attend the next meeting in April.


Jason Singh, Acting West North West Area Manager responded and agreed to follow up this issue.


g)  Leeds Local Access Forum

Councillor J Illingworth referred to the above issue and informed the meeting that there were a number of vacancies on the Leeds Local Access Forum around footpaths.


The Committee noted the current position and requested Members and members of the public to contact the Governance Unit in the Civic Hall, Leeds for further details.


h)  Cycle Action Forum

Councillor J Illingwoth referred to the above issue and stated the importance of Highways addressing the A660, as well as providing a cycle route from Cookridge to the City Centre.