Agenda item

Application 10/00412/FU - To erect new divisional police headquarters comprising offices, storage areas, custody suite, multi-level car park and secure yard at Former Greyhound Stadium - Elland Road LS11 - Position statement

To consider a position statement by the Chief Planning Officer on an outline application to erect new divisional police headquarters comprising offices and storage areas, custody suite, multi-level car park and secure yard area


(report attached)




  (Prior to consideration of this matter, Councillor Matthews left the meeting)


Plans, drawings, photographs and artists’s impressions were displayed at the meeting.  A site visit had taken place earlier in the day which some Members had attended

Members considered a position statement on proposals to erect a new divisional police headquarters on the former Greyhound Stadium on Elland Road, adjacent to LUFC

Officers presented the report and stated that whilst some images of the buildings had been provided, the layout would be part of a Reserved Matters application

The proposals were for offices, a 40 cell custody suite, a storage area, a 400 space multi-storey car park and surface parking of 100 spaces

The main access would be on Elland Road with an area of public realm being laid out to the front of the public access.  A secondary emergency access which would also be used for service vehicles would be situated on Heath Road

Members were informed that the principle of development was acceptable to Officers but there were concerns at the scale of the proposals particularly the relationship between the 4 storey building and 277 Elland Road

Regarding highways issues, further information was being sought on the matters set out in the submitted report

In response to a question from the Panel, it was confirmed that the intention was for the headquarters to replace the police stations at Millgarth and Holbeck

Members commented on the following matters:

·  whilst further information was awaited in relation to office use, the operational reasons why the police wanted to locate on this site should also be considered as part of the application

·  the concerns raised by Highways at the level of parking required; the lack of justification for this and the need to consider that the site would be operating 24/7 with limited public transport available for staff after 11pm

·  that the police used a range of vehicles and the view that there would be a reason for the amount of parking which had been requested

·  whether a Green Travel Plan (GTP) had already been provided and the need to give the GTP careful consideration as although buses ran past the site, their destinations were limited compared to Millgarth and Holbeck

·  the impact of the proposals on match day parking and whether mitigation measures would be put in place

·  the likely increase in attendances if LUFC were ever promoted and the further impact this would have on highways issues and car parking

·  that there had been good consultation locally about the application and local residents were supportive and wanted the development to proceed

Officers provided the following responses:

·  that some of the parking spaces requested would be used for operational vehicles which were currently parked elsewhere

·  that a framework GTP had been submitted and following contact with Officers, the applicant was undertaking more work on this

Regarding match day parking, a detailed discussion took place during which the following points were made:

·  there was a suggestion that part of the multi-storey car park could be used for club officials, but further information was required.  Members raised concerns at this suggestion which they considered could have security implications

·  that Officers were of the view there was sufficient car parking for spectators.  That the level of parking had been assessed some years ago when an application for an arena on the site was being considered with 2750 spaces being the number decided upon.  Concerns were raised at this suggestion particularly in view of the level of on-street parking on match days both around the ground and some distance away.  Whilst a figure of 2750 spaces had been considered to be sufficient, Officers were informed that this had not been agreed by the local Ward Members who considered a figure of 4000 spaces was more realistic

·  the need to ascertain whether people were having to park on the highway or were choosing to do this

·  the possibility of extending the residents’ parking scheme as part of the application

In relation to the specific questions asked of Members in the report, the

following responses were provided:

·  mixed views about the principle of development on the site, with some Members supportive of this whilst others had concerns, particularly in view of the proximity of LUFC which would have a major impact

·  regarding scale and layout, generally acceptable but concerns

about the relationship to 277 Elland Road and how that transition in scale was handled on site given level differences.  There was also concern at the possible impact on residents of Heath Road which was a narrow road and would require adequate planting to help the relationship across the road

·  in relation to highways matters, to note the comments which had been made together with the view that the use of the access on Heath Road needed to be clearly defined given its residential character otherwise it could give rise to substantial complaint locally

RESOLVED -  To note the report and the comments now made


(During consideration of this matter, Councillor Leadley left the meeting)



Supporting documents: