Agenda item

Input to the Work Programme 2010/11 - Sources of Work and establishing the Board's priorities

To receive and consider a report from the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development providing information and guidance to assist the Scrutiny Board develop its work programme for 2010/11.


The Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report which provided information and guidance to assist the Board develop its work programme for 2010/11.


Relevant information from the following key sources was attached to the report to assist Members:


-  Leeds Strategic Plan 2008 to 2011 – Executive Summary

-  Building Brighter Futures: The Leeds Children and Young People’s Plan 2009-14 – immediate priorities and long term ambitions

-  List of scrutiny work undertaken in the past six years.


The Chair welcomed to the meeting the following officers to contribute to the discussion about the Board’s work programme:


-  Eleanor Brazil – Interim Director of Children’s Services

-  Mariana Pexton, Deputy Director of Children’s Services

-  Chris Edwards, Chief Executive of Education Leeds.


A general overview of the key issues facing children’s services was provided as follows:


  • Taking forward the Children’s Services Improvement Plan, particularly ensuring that key actions were delivered.
  • Developing integrated children’s services (contract with Education Leeds ends March 2011)
  • Financial and policy context – budget pressures, particularly in relation to Children’s Social Care.


The following issues were also highlighted as potential areas for scrutiny:


·  The transformation programme for integrated children’s services with a specific focus on the work of the Programme Board, which included the following elements:

·  Terminating the contract with Education Leeds.

·  Business support functions, especially around commissioning and making best use of resources.

·  Service re-design and developing work with children and families including the following project teams:

-  The need to improve safeguarding arrangements.

-  Services for looked after children, especially children with disabilities, special educational needs, etc.

-  Developing universal services, early years and work with schools.

-  Wellbeing support services, e.g. family support, behavioural support, etc.

-  Budget issues – looking at potential significant overspend in Children’s Social Care largely due to an increase in the number and cost of residential placements.


The Chair then invited questions and the main areas of discussion were:


·  Clarification that the rise in social care placements was in line with national trends. (The Interim Director of Children’s Services agreed to provide Members with information highlighting local and national trends.)

·  Clarification about the work of CAFCASS, a government funded organisation that looks after the interests of children involved in care proceedings.

·  Concern that the good practice developed through Education Leeds and the education Joint Consultative Committee must not be lost in the development of the Integrated Children’s Services, and queries regarding consultation arrangements for the new service.  It was reported that the revised Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) was meeting on 21st June.

·  Service re-design specifically focussing on “work on the ground” and ensuring a quicker, more co-ordinated approach.

·  Developing the work of extended services and locality enablers with specific focus on local leadership teams, children’s themed champions, area inclusion partnerships and 14-19 partnerships.

·  Concern about insufficient capacity focussing on out of school activity for 5-12 age group and the need to develop role ofthe third sector and voluntary sector. 


RESOLVED –That the report and contributions made during the discussion be taken into account when the Board is finalising its work programme and deciding its priorities.


Supporting documents: