Agenda item

Presentation - Homes and Community Agency

The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods, with the Director for Yorkshire and the Humber Homes and Community Agency, will give a presentation on the role and work of the Agency in Leeds and the City Region.


The Board received a presentation on the work and priorities of the Homes and Community Agency.


Present at the meeting, and responding to Members’ queries and comments were:-


David Curtis, Director, Yorkshire and the Humber, HCA.


Naz Parkar, Head of Yorkshire and the Humber, HCA.


Neil Evans, Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods.


Liz Cook, Head of Affordable Housing, Environment and Neighbourhoods.


In brief summary, the main areas of discussion were:-


·  The excellent working relationship which existed between the Agency and the Council;


·  The draft Leeds Investment Plan (LIP) which was due to be considered by the Executive Board on 3rd November 2010, following which further consultation was planned, including with Members;


David Curtis indicated that, notwithstanding the need for consultation on the LIP, it would be extremely helpful to the HCA to at least have an indication of the Council’s priorities by the end of January 2011;


·  The high number of empty properties across the City (approximately 6,500), the reasons for this, including speculative building of City Centre apartments, and what might be done to bring more properties into occupation;


·  The assistance and expertise which the HCA might be able to provide regarding specific, problem development sites in the City, where development had stalled and residents were experiencing problems, and also in respect of the Board’s Inquiry into gypsy and traveller site provision;


·  The uncertainties regarding the land and assets currently held by the soon to be defunct Development Agencies;


·  The likelihood that the HCA in future would have less resources to invest in regeneration support and skills and capacity building;


·  The role of the HCA in analysing and progressing PFI schemes, including its ability to assist to deliver accommodation to Level 4 standard, rather than Level 3.  Reference was made to the need for sustainable communities, which took into account public health, housing density, education and green spaces issues at the design stage.  The HCA saw no conflict between sustainability/lifetime homes standards and the development of supported or sheltered accommodation – both were needed in sustainable communities;


·  The need for discussions between the Environment and Neighbourhoods and Development Directorates regarding a whole range of issues arising from the demise of the Regional Spatial Strategies, and the need to look at possible complementary funding sources following the outcome of the imminent Comprehensive Spending Review;


·  The proposed ‘New Homes Bonus’, whereby it was proposed that local authorities could claim back from the Government six times the annual Council Tax for each new home built, and how this revenue funding source might be capitalised to invest in future homes.  The HCA would work with the Council’s officers on this issue;


·  The need to possibly expand and re-organise the existing Affordable Housing Partnership, as well as to review and revitalise existing regeneration partnerships.




a)  That the presentation and resultant discussion be received and noted with interest, and Mr Curtis and Mr Parkar be thanked for their attendance and the manner in which they have responded to Members’ queries and comments.


b)  That the Board is ready and able to assist in any role which the Executive Board or the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods feel might be helpful in respect of the Leeds Investment Plan which is due to be considered by the Executive Board in November.


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