Agenda item

"Kasa Crossgates" - Application for the Grant of a Premises Licence for KASA Crossgates Ltd, Ground Floor Premises, 18 Austhorpe Road, Cross Gates, Leeds LS15 8DX

To consider the report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Corporate Governance) on an application received for the grant of a Premises Licence in respect of premises situated on the ground floor of 18 Austhorpe Road, Crossgates, Leeds LS15 and trading as “KASA Crossgates”.


(Report attached)


The Sub-Committee, having regard to the Licensing Act 2003, the Statement of Licensing Policy and the Statutory Guidance, considered the written submissions before them relating to an application for the grant of a Premises Licence in respect of premises to be known as “KASA Crossgates” situated within the ground floor area of 18 Austhorpe Road, Crossgates, Leeds LS15.


Six letters of representation had been submitted by members of the public who objected to the application. A joint letter of representation had also been received from local ward Councillors Armitage, P Grahame and Gruen.


Mr Adeel Bashir and Mr Khalil Bashir attended the hearing on behalf of KASA Crossgates Ltd. Councillor S Armitage attended the hearing on behalf of local residents. None of the local residents were present and the Sub Committee resolved to take their letters of representation into account during their deliberations.


The Sub Committee heard from Councillor S Armitage who detailed residents’ concerns over the opening hours requested and the existing problems of noise nuisance and anti-social behaviour associated with the sale of alcohol to young people in the area. Residents felt that the re-opening of an off-licence in this unit could add to those problems. The local Neighbourhood Policing Team was aware of the problem of young people obtaining alcohol and congregating in the local park.


Other licensed premises in the area closed earlier than the hours proposed for this off-licence and Councillor Armitage was concerned that noise and nuisance would be caused late at night by patrons from the other premises attending this off-licence to purchase further alcohol. She urged the Sub Committee to consider the opening hours in their deliberations.


Mr K Bashir then addressed the Sub Committee on behalf of the applicant and responded to the comments of the objectors. Mr K Bashir outlined the operators’ experience within the licensing trade and detailed the measures proposed by the applicant himself to address the licensing objectives. Mr Bashir also stated the applicant was willing to close at 23:00 hours now that he was aware of the concerns of the local residents.


The Sub Committee carefully considered the written and verbal submissions made at the hearing. Members had regard to the ongoing problems reported within locality and the measures proposed by the applicant which the Sub Committee felt would go some way to address the concerns of residents. Members also noted the offer to amend the hours of operation. However the Sub Committee felt there was another reasonable step which could be taken to further address the crime and disorder licensing objective

RESOLVED – that the application be granted in the following terms:

Hours & Licensable Activities:

·  Sale of alcohol (for consumption off the premises)

·  Sunday to Saturday   07:00 until 23:00 hours


·  The measures proposed by the applicant within the application to address the licensing objectives will be included within the Premises Licence as conditions with one amendment as follows

·  “The PLH/DPS/staff will ask for proof of age from any person appearing to be under the age of 25 who attempts to purchase alcohol at the premises”

·  All relevant conditions shall refer to “Check 25” throughout.


The Sub Committee reminded the applicant of the residents’ power to seek a Review of the Premises Licence if they felt this premises contributed to a worsening of the problems in the area.


Supporting documents: