Agenda item

Position Statement on Application 09/04287/RM at Garnetts Paper Mills, Mill Lane, Otley LS21 and Application 10/03695/FU at Gallows Hill, Pool Road, Otley LS21

To consider the report of the Chief Planning Officer setting out the current position with regards to the reserved matters application 09/04287/RM for residential/office development and associated works at Garnett’s Paper Mill and application 10/03695/FU for laying out of access road on land at Gallows Hill, adjacent to cemetery, Pool Road. Both sites are within Otley


(Report attached)


The Panel received a presentation and supporting report setting out the current position with regards to proposals to redevelop the former Garnetts Paper Mill and associated site at Gallows Hill, Otley. Panel had previously approved proposals for redevelopment of the site in 2007, however since then ownership of the land had changed and Members comments were sought on the revised scheme. The comments of local ward Councillor Campbell were reported verbally at the meeting


Officers briefly outlined the scheme

  • Residential housing to the east of the site to be constructed with slate roofs and stone walling, although these could be either natural or art stone. Some homes will front onto the riverside, as will the apartment block
  • Commercial aspect retained to the west to include restaurant and office use although the hotel/doctors surgery/crèche facilities now deleted from the scheme
  • Retirement apartments located to the southern area of the site
  • The eastern access route will be built up over the floodplain to take into account the likelihood of 1:100 year flood and the south eastern area to be retained as flood plain
  • The western access point at Mill Lane will provide access to the public car park to the west and provide a bus route.
  • Route through the site to be controlled with a bus gate to enable the route to form part of the Otley shuttle bus loop. The gate will prevent general public vehicular access.
  • Discussions were still ongoing over the provision of a pedestrian footbridge over the floodplain in the west of the site which could provide dry access/egress in the event of a flood


Members discussed the following issues with officers:

Reduction in the mix of uses. Members did note however the developed site would retain some element of destination and public spaces and have scope for further development in the future. The development of the riverside walkway was regarded as an attractive asset

Sustainable access to the site. Members voiced concern over the impact of flooding on the developed site and accessibility for visitors/residents. Officers responded that even if Mill Road was raised; the western area could still be susceptible to flooding. The Panel noted the comment by the Mill owner who stated their records showed the site had not flooded to the point of impassibility in the previous 100 years.

Pedestrian footbridge. Members commented that the area could become an island site particularly for pedestrians in the event of a major flood but recognised that more detail on the flood risk and necessary engineering works to establish a bridge would be required before they could comment further

Standard of design and quality of materials. Members were keen to ensure the proposals maintained the high quality originally proposed which had promised an exemplar estate. Members sought a consistent palette of materials for the substantial apartment block.

Section 106 Agreement. Members agreed that detail of the applicants’ response to the matters already raised would be required prior to full consideration of proposals for a Section 106 agreement

RESOLVED - To note the contents of the report and the comments of the Panel

Supporting documents: