Agenda item

Initial Budget Proposals 2011/12

To receive and consider the attached report of the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development


In accordance with the Council’s Budget and Policy Framework, the Board considered the Executive’s initial budget proposals for 2011/12, as discussed at the Executive Board meeting held on 15th December 2010.


In attendance at the meeting, and responding to Members’ queries and comments, were:-


-  Councillor P Gruen, Executive Member, Neighbourhoods and Housing.


-  Councillor T Murray, Executive Member, Environmental Services.


-  Neil Evans, Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods.


-  Richard Ellis, Head of Finance, Environment and Neighbourhoods


-  Stephen Boyle, Chief Regeneration Officer, Environment and Neighbourhoods


In brief summary, the main points of discussion were:-


·  The current difficulties being experienced with refuse collection across the City.  It was noted that an update report would be submitted to the Board on 17th January 2011. 


·  The current discussion taking place between the Council and the Police regarding the funding, numbers and role of Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs).  It was noted that the Board would receive a specific report on this issue in due course.


·  The Council’s waste management strategy and the effect of the £8 per tonne increase in the landfill tax from April 2011, which would cost the Council an additional £1.2m in 2011/12.  It was noted that a decision had been taken not to currently roll-out across the City the food waste recycling project successfully piloted in the Rothwell area, as it was currently not cost-efficient to do so.  However, this would be reviewed in the future, and part of that review would include an evaluation of the possible use of anaerobic digesters.


·  The drop in car parking income, and the comprehensive review currently being undertaken to ensure that Council-owned parking facilities remained competitive.  The possible use of the Primrose Hill High School site for parking purposes was raised, and it was agreed that this suggestion should be referred to Councillor R Lewis, Executive Member, Development and Regeneration.


·  The current corporate review of Council premises and staffing numbers was raised.  Reference was made to the statement at Paragraph 10.9 of the report of the Director of Resources to the Executive Board on 15th December 2010, and the comments relating to ‘equality impact assessments and workforce representation issues’.  A Member commented that this sounded very much like affirmative action to protect certain categories of employees, whereas, in his view, any staffing review should concentrate purely on identifying and retaining the best people for the job, regardless of age, gender or ethnicity considerations.


The officer responded by stating that this was a reference to issues such as reasonable adjustments for disabled employees who may be relocated, and the possible disproportionate effect of some proposals on certain sections of the workforce, e.g. cleaning staff, due to gender issues.


·  The possible amalgamation of regulatory functions, e.g. Environmental Health, across several authorities.


·  Locality working, and the possible greater delegation of functions to Area Committees.  There was criticism from some Board Members regarding the timing and the manner in which the locality working proposals had been handled at Area Committee level.


·  The possible assimilation of CareRing into Telecare Services in Adult Social Care, with resultant cost savings.  A Member mentioned a problem with a specific property, and he was encouraged to raise the matter outside the meeting with the Board’s Principal Scrutiny Adviser.




a)  That, subject to the above comments, the report be received and noted.


b)  That a further report on the more detailed budget proposals be submitted to the Board at the appropriate meeting.


(NB:  1  Councillor G Hyde and P Gruen joined the meeting at 10.50 am and 11.07 am respectively, during the consideration of this item.


2  Councillor T Murray and Neil Evans, Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods, left the meeting at 11.26 am, during the consideration of this item.)


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