Agenda item

Actions, Achievements and update report

To receive and consider a report from the South East Area Manager updating Members on actions and achievements around the Area Delivery Plan since the Area Committee meeting in December 2010.




(a)  That the report and information appended to the report be noted

(b)  That Councillors Pauleen Grahame and Tom Murray be appointed to serve on the outer east environmental sub-group to progress the delegation and service level agreement with environmental services.



The South East Area Manager submitted a report which updated Members on the actions and achievements of the Area Management Team since the last meeting.


The following information was appended to the report:


-  Minutes of East Children Leadership Team held on 14th October 2010

-  Draft City Health and Wellbeing Priority Plan 2011-15

-  Minutes of East North East Divisional Community Safety Partnership Meeting held on 16th December 2010

-  Minutes of Cross Gates Consultative Forum held on 20th October 2010

-  Minutes of Halton Moor Forum held on 26th October 2010

-  Minutes of Halton Fourm held on 28th October 2010

-  Minutes of Garforth and Swillington Forum held on 6th December 2010.


Martin Hackett, Area Management Officer, presented the report and responded to Members’ questions and comments.


In brief summary, the main highlighted points were:


  • Community Centres Sub Committee – various issues associated with the pricings and lettings policy, e.g. greater consistency needed in terms of lettings charges with a view to developing market and subsidy rates.  The Area Management Officer agreed to report back to the Area Committee on progress with the review on pricings and lettings.
  • The Area Committee considered appointments to the outer east environmental sub-group.  Councillors Pauleen Grahame and Tom Murray volunteered to serve on this group.  It was reported that if any Member from Temple Newsam or Kippax and Methley Wards wished to join this sub-group then they should contact Area Management.
  • The Chair welcomed to the meeting Graham Ambler, Station Commander, West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, to provide an update on restructuring of the service. 

Key areas were discussed as follows:

-  the current financial climate and the impact of cuts on the service – Members were advised that there would be no changes to fire cover, although there would be some changes to crew arrangements, e.g. some fire-fighters would be expected to work longer hours.

-  acknowledgement and positive contribution of fire prevention work.




(a)  That the report and information appended to the report be noted

(b)  That Councillors Pauleen Grahame and Tom Murray be appointed to serve on the outer east environmental sub-group to progress the delegation and service level agreement with environmental services.


Supporting documents: