Agenda item

Annual report for Parks and Countryside Service in East Outer Area Committee

To consider a report of the Head of Parks and Countryside providing details on key assets, park usage and customer based information on the quality of assets, ie community parks, playing pitches and fixed play facilities in the East Outer area and the services provided


(report attached)


(Council Function)




  Members considered a report of the Head of Parks and Countryside providing information on the assets, park usage and public perception of this provision in the East Outer area

  Mr Flesher, Head of Parks and Countryside presented the report and highlighted the main issues, these being:

·  that from the 2009 data there were 2.2 million annual visits to East Outer community parks

·  whilst Temple Newsam accounted for 1.9m visitors, the figures showed that daily and weekly visits to community parks were high, - 40% and 76% respectively

·  that in addition to sports teams with long term leases, 58 teams utilised the area’s playing pitches

·  that volunteering was strong, with over 3000 days of voluntary work being carried out in the East Outer area, with the aim being for these groups to be able to work unsupervised but with support where needed

·  that by March 2012 all site based gardeners would be trained to work with volunteer groups

·  the range of voluntary groups operating in the area and the importance of Friends groups

·  the work of the In Bloom groups; that these were highly self motivated and self administered and that these groups had transformed areas and created a sense of place in their communities

·  that Garforth in Bloom obtained a Silver Gilt at the 2011 Yorkshire in Bloom awards with Kippax maintaining its Gold status for a second year

·  the Leeds Quality Park status and the Green Flag award scheme with two of the parks in the area, Manston Park and Barley Hill Park already meeting the national standard for parks and green spaces

·  on-going work and planned improvements and the need to work with the Area Committee and Ward Members to identify and target funding particularly from S106 Agreements to improve the area

Members thanked Mr Flesher for his excellent report and

commented on the following matters:

·  that Redhall playing fields did not seem to have been included.  Members were informed that this was included in the sports pitch provision

·  the need to make links with local schools to encourage volunteering by pupils

·  whether the Village in Bloom groups were formally thanked by the Council for their work.  Mr Flesher stated that an event for the In Bloom groups was held each year and hosted by the Lord Mayor

·  the need to link the Outer East Environmental Sub-Committee with the Village in Bloom groups

·  the need for information on future proposals

·  concerns about anti-social behaviour at Barley Hill playground and the need to secure the car park at night.  Mr Flesher agreed to follow this up

·  that gating  Barley Hill Park at night would be of benefit and the need to ensure the timescale was accomplished for the funding secured by an agreement with Garforth Cemetery

·  whether any proposals existed for Swillington and Great Preston.  Members were informed that the Parks and Countryside Service would be happy to work with the Parish Council to see if they could help in respect of opportunities for greenspace in the area

·  the need to raise awareness of the voluntary work undertaken from Daniel Yorath House which as well as improving and maintaining local parks, also provided rehabilitation

·  the excellent staff employed in Parks and Countryside and that Bob Bradley and Richard Gill especially should be thanked for their hard work

·  that Temple Newsam did not feature in all of the data in the submitted report and the reasons for this.  Mr Flesher explained that although being a local park, it was also a city park, however for the annual report in 2012, the data would be changed to include Temple Newsam

·  that proposals were ongoing to extend the existing skate park facility at Allerton Bywater but that this depended on funding

·  Public Rights of Way and number of applications outstanding.  Mr Flesher agreed to provide this information to Members


Councillor Wakefield declared a personal interest as a member of the

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust

  Councillor Lyons declared a personal interest as a member of the Friends of Temple Newsam


  RESOLVED – To note the report and the comments now made



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