Agenda item

2011/12 Quarter 2 Performance Report

To consider the report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Customer Access and Performance) on the Quarter 2 performance data relevant to sustainable economy and culture


(Report attached)



The Assistant Chief Executive (Customer Access and Performance) submitted a summary of the Quarter 2 performance data relevant to this Board which highlighted budget, transport and planning performance as key issues having regard to the Council’s Business Plan and City Priorities. The report outlined seven priorities for consideration.


Martin Farrington, Director of Development and Paul Maney, Head of Strategic Policy, Planning & Performance, City Development attended the meeting. Apologies had been received from Neil Evans, Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing. The Board also received apologies from Councillors R Lewis, Gruen and Ogilvie and noted comments from Cllr Cohen expressing disappointment that the invitations to attend had been declined.


Mr Farrington set out the challenges the Department had dealt with in terms of reduced budget and staff numbers and those ahead in relation to the impact of the outcome of the New Generation Transport and the High Speed Rail Network for Leeds. The Board discussed the following:

Major developments – Some applications completed within the 13 week target period due to the good working relationships established between officers and developers which resulted in robust applications being submitted. The Chief Planning Officer had been tasked with looking at how developers can be encouraged to engage early with the department and consistently produce applications ready for determination

Centre for Cities report – Results provided analysis of 64 UK cities and revealed where Leeds stood in comparison to the cohort in terms of growth, employment & skills and entrepreneurial endeavour

BUS 2 Improve Skills priority: requested detail on how the outcomes were measured, the number of apprentices, employed as well as unemployed persons.

BUS 3 Sustainable growth priority: requested detail on the 2007-09 VAT registrations and de-registrations and whether Leeds’ experience was specific to the city or reflected the national picture.

Directorate Scorecard Marketing /Promotion: noted that Leeds dropped from 23 to 28 in “best city” status, its actual score was unchanged. Marketing Leeds had been tasked with responding and refocusing its’ service. Members requested Marketing Leeds attend future Board meeting, along with Welcome to Yorkshire

Section 106 commitments and measures to:

-  encourage developers to pay S106 commitments upfront to ensure the necessary infrastructure was developed in a timely fashion

-  generate developers’ confidence which will encourage S106 commitments being met. This could involve the public/private sectors working together. LCC could be regarded as being better placed to take risks associated with infrastructure works which would then encourage private development

High Speed Rail – focus should be on high capacity of the new network not the high speed capability and on the route of the second phase beyond Birmingham.


(Councillor Cohen withdrew from the meeting)


Utility works – Noted the Authority was seeking to implement a permit scheme for works undertaken by utility companies in order reduce the impact on development through better co-ordination


a)  To note the three issues highlighted : Budget, Transport and Planning Performance, and the discussions on the work underway to address the issues

b)  To note the overall progress in relation to the delivery of the Sustainable Economy & Culture City priorities. The Board did not indicate that any further scrutiny work was required at this time in any of those areas but did identify further detail required (as outlined in c below)

c)  The Board identified the following issues requiring further reports/information in order to fulfil their scrutiny role in relation to the delivery of the outcomes for Sustainable Economy & Culture

i)  BUS 2 Improve Skills priority: requested detail on how outcomes were measured, apprenticeship numbers and number of employed as well as unemployed

ii)  BUS 3 Sustainable growth priority: requested detail on the 2007-09 VAT registrations and de-registrations and whether Leeds experience was specific to the city or reflected national picture.

iii)  Directorate Scorecard Marketing/Promotion: requested Marketing Leeds attend a future Board meeting, along with Welcome to Yorkshire


Supporting documents: