Agenda item

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and Area Profiles

To consider the report of the Consultant in Public Health reporting for the ENE Area on the Leeds Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and future priorities for action for the areas within the East Inner Area


(Report attached) time – 15 minutes


  Members considered a report of the Consultant in Public Health for the East North East area providing information on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).  Appended to the report was the area profile for the East Inner Area which provided detailed information on population, rates of obesity and smoking, mortality rates and rates of specific long term and serious medical conditions

  The Area Committee welcomed Lucy Jackson and Nichola Stephens from the NHS who presented the report

  Members were informed that the JSNA was the key document for assessing need and that as part of the refresh of the JSNA, 108 data packs had been compiled which provided extensive social and medical information to help inform commissioners of health services of areas of priority and need

  Members welcomed the report and commented on the following matters:

·  the need for fuel poverty to be addressed and that data from a recent Scrutiny Inquiry could be provided

·  the levels of NEET and that further information could be provided

·  the proposals for a Recycling and Energy Recovery Facility (RERF) in the Inner East area; concerns about possible health issues arising from such a facility; that data on this matter should form part of the information provided to Members considering the planning application and that the Health Authority should be consulted on proposals for any major developments which could impact on people’s health

·  the importance of Wellbeing budgets in addressing issues of deprivation and the need for greater levels of expenditure to be available to those areas in the greatest need

·  the need to ensure that geographic areas not specifically defined in the report are included in terms of provision and access to services

The Area Leader stated the importance of the report in helping to

identify policies and actions and establish partnership working to address the needs of the area in an integrated way and whilst some work had commenced in particular the investment made by the Area Committee into Neighbourhood Management, more work was needed and that people were being brought together to start to address some of the issues and to spread good practice


i)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted and welcomed

ii)  That the Area Committee notes the prioritisation of action in line with the diverse needs within the population

iii)  That further consideration be given to each of the MSOA profiles – especially for the 10 within the most deprived quintile and the specific issues that need to be addressed in these areas in line with the present actions taking place within this area by all partners

iv)  That consideration be given to developing a mechanism to help the Area Committee shape the future iterations of the MSOA profiles and JSNA

v)  That Officers be requested to explore further how it might develop a process to enable health professionals, voluntary sector and Councillors to work together to utilise the information contained in the MSOA profiles to shape and monitor the health landscape



Supporting documents: