Agenda item

Application 11/04825/FU - 20 - 28 Hyde Terrace, Leeds LS2 9LN

To consider the report of the Chief Planning Officer on and application for the change of use, conversion and erection of 2 three storey extensions to form 27 student flats, associated cycle storage landscaping, demolition of prefabricated office extensions at 20-28 Hyde Terrace, Leeds LS2


(Report attached)


Further to minute 32 of the meeting held 27th October 2011 when the Panel received a pre-application presentation on early proposals for a student flat development with associated cycle storage and landscaping at 20-28 Hyde Terrace Leeds LS2, the Chief Planning Officer submitted a report on the application now received.


The report also set out the developers’ response to comments made by Panel at the October meeting relating to car parking, the design and dimensions of the new wings, the cluster flats and the relationship of the wings with the main building.


Plans and photographs of the site were displayed at the meeting along with architects’ drawings of the proposals. Members had visited the site prior to the meeting. Officers drew attention to the following matters:

-  The proposed treatment to the side street between Nos. 30 and 28 which included footpath resurfacing and widening with “no waiting” Traffic Regulation Orders to be implemented on the eastern side of the street

-  The design of the 27 space basement cycle store would be conditioned

-  Slides showing levels and cross sections were displayed to show that the basement flats had sufficient outlook and light

-  The render to the gable end of No. 20 to be removed and three small windows established

-  Eastern new build wing – red brick construction with copper cladding with larger glazed areas to the main windows located to overlook the internal courtyard space

-  Western new build wing – red brick construction designed to be in keeping with the adjacent listed terraces


Officers stated that two additional conditions were required as follows:

  • Details of the bin storage location of and level of recycling
  • Details of the plant equipment to be introduced to the basement to ensure this does not exceed normal decibel levels


The Panel went on to consider the following matters:

-  Design and height of the western extension, particularly the gable end. There was discussion on the appearance of this wing on the streetscene which appeared to be “offset” from the main building. Members considered that its appearance on the streetscene would be improved if it was aligned with the gable of the main building.

-  Members noted the response that the new gable design was similar to the existing and that this approach provided definition between the old and the new build; ensuring the new wing remained subservient to the main building which retained its dominance in the scheme. Furthermore, a single roof line would present too much massing on the street and the offset also allowed for the footpath to be widened.


-  Impact of the design and implementation of new railings around the front garden on the Conservation Area. Members noted that the developer was keen to secure the garden area but commented that the railings should be Victorian period style. Officers responded that the railing design could be addressed through the general hard and soft landscaping condition


-  Nil provision of car parking. Members discussed the “no car” requirement; noting that student occupancy would incur less traffic impact than the previous use of the main building or sale/lease of the flats on the open market. The response that the associated Travel Plan would refer to but could not condition the “no car” requirement was noted. The developer would seek to enforce this through tenancy agreements with the student residents.


-  Trees. Members noted that both the sycamore and laburnum tree lay outside of the development.


Members broadly supported the scheme and commended the proposals as being sympathetic to the existing building and the surrounding Conservation Area

RESOLVED – That the application be granted subject to the specified conditions contained within the submitted report (and any others which might be considered appropriate) plus additional conditions highlighted at the meeting to cover:

  • Details of the bin storage location of and level of recycling
  • Details of the plant equipment to be introduced to the basement to ensure this does not exceed normal decibel levels
  • Details of the railings to be submitted within the hard/soft landscaping proposals


Supporting documents: