Agenda item

Wellbeing Report

To receive and consider a report from the Assistant Chief Executive (Planning, Policy and Improvement) updating Members on both the capital and revenue elements of the Area Committee’s wellbeing budget, advising Members of the small grants approved since the last meeting and inviting Members to determine the capital and revenue proposals detailed within the report.


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation / 5 mins discussion)



(a)  That the contents of the submitted report be noted.


(b)  That the position of the Wellbeing Budget, as set out at paragraph 3.0 of the submitted report, be noted.


(c)  That the ring fencing arrangements, as proposed within paragraph 3.4 of the submitted report, be approved, subject to the ringfencing proposals for Community Safety initiatives, as outlined specifically within paragraphs 3.4.1-3.4.6 being approved upon receipt of information in response to the issues raised by Members during the meeting.


(d)  That the Wellbeing revenue projects, which have previously been agreed by the Area Committee, as listed within Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be noted.


(e)  That the following be agreed in respect of Wellbeing funding allocations, as detailed within paragraph 4.0 and appendix 3 of the submitted report:-


Name of Project

Name of Delivery Organisation


Belle Isle Gala 2012

Health For All

£5,000.00 (Revenue) – Approved.

Hunslet Community Gala 2012

Hunslet Festival

£1,000.00 (Revenue) – Approved.

Holbeck Gala 2012

Holbeck Gala

£3,500.00 (Revenue) (Beeston & Holbeck Ward £2,333.00 and City & Hunslet Ward £1,167.00) - Approved

Beeston Festival 2012

Beeston Festival

£5,000.00 (Revenue) (£2,500.00 Beeston & Holbeck and £2,500.00 City & Hunslet) – Approved.

Bands in the Park and Dog Show 2012

Friend of Cross Flatts Park

£2,300.00 (Revenue) – Approved.

Middleton Park Craft, Flower and Produce Show 

Friends of Middleton Park

£3,080.00 (Revenue) (Middleton Park Ward) – Approved.

South Leeds Superstars 2012

Tiger 11

£9,329.00 (Revenue) (£2,943.00 Beeston & Holbeck Ward, £3,610.00 City & Hunslet Ward and £2,776.00 Middleton Park Ward) – Approved.

South Leeds Life

Health For All

£9,000.00 (Revenue) (£3,000.00 from each Ward) – Approved, subject to the development of a distribution schedule.

Young People First Project

Leeds Youth Service

£15,390.00 (Revenue) (£9,129.00 Beeston & Holbeck Ward and £6,261.00 City & Hunslet Ward) – Deferred, in order to enable the application to be referred to the Inner South Children and Young People’s Working Group for consideration.


St. Lukes Cares

£12,500.00 (Revenue) - Deferred, in order to enable the application to be referred to the Inner South Children and Young People’s Working Group for consideration.

Marlboroughs Green Roof Project

Groundwork Leeds

£5,995.00 (Revenue) – Approved.

Middleton Worker


That the contract be allowed to lapse at its conclusion on 31st March 2012.

Hunslet Library – Additional Items

Library and Information Services

£1,300.00 (Revenue) – Approved, subject to any of this funding which can be allocated from City & Hunslet Ward’s capital budget being utilised.

Victims of Crime Fund

West Yorkshire Police

£2,500.00 (Revenue)  - Approved, upon receipt of information in response to the issues raised by Members during the meeting.

West Yorkshire Police Off-Road Bikes

West Yorkshire Police

£2,964.00 (Revenue) – Approved, upon receipt of information  in response to the issues raised by Members during the meeting.

Domestic Violence Educations and Support Project

Women’s Health Matters

£8,000.00 (Revenue) – Approved, upon receipt of information in response to the issues raised by Members during the meeting.

Keep Sussed and Safe (SL)

Getaway Girls

£6,630.00 (Revenue) – Approved, upon receipt of information in response to the issues raised by Members during the meeting.

No Cold Calling Zones

Leeds City Council Licensing

£1,800.00 (Revenue) – Approved, upon receipt of information in response to the issues raised by Members during the meeting.

New projects to be developed via the Crime and Grime meetings


£5,016.00 (Revenue) – Approved.



(f)  That the current position, in respect of Small Grant allocation, as detailed at paragraph 5.0 of the submitted report, be noted.



The Area Officer presented a report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Customer Access and Performance). The report sought to provide:

1.  Confirmation of the 2010/11 carry forward figure and 2011/12 revenue allocation.

2.  Confirmation of the 2012/13 revenue allocation and the 2011/12 carry forward figure.

3.  An update on both the revenue and capital elements of the Well being budget.

4.  Details of revenue funding for consideration and approval

5.  Details of revenue projects agreed to date (as shown at Appendix 1 to the report)

6.  Members are also asked to note the current position of the Small Grants Budget

Members received an update on, and an overview of the newly established Children and Young People’s Sub Group, and on the criteria which would be used when  allocating the funding which had been ringfenced to initiatives relating to the Children and Young People’s agenda.



(a)  That the contents of the submitted report be noted;

(b)  That the position of the Wellbeing Budget, as set out at paragraph 3.0 of the submitted report, be noted;

(c)  That the ring fencing arrangements, as proposed within paragraph 3.4 of the submitted report, be approved, subject to the ringfencing proposals for Community Safety initiatives, as outlined specifically within paragraphs 3.4.1-3.4.6 being approved upon receipt of information in response to the issues raised by Members during the meeting;

(d)  That the Wellbeing revenue projects, which have previously been agreed by the Area Committee, as listed within Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be noted;

(e)  That the following be agreed in respect of Wellbeing funding allocations, as detailed within paragraph 4.0 and appendix 3 of the submitted report:-





Name of Project

Name of Delivery Organisation


Belle Isle Gala 2012

Health For All

£5,000.00 (Revenue) – Approved.

Hunslet Community Gala 2012

Hunslet Festival

£1,000.00 (Revenue) – Approved.

Holbeck Gala 2012

Holbeck Gala

£3,500.00 (Revenue) (Beeston & Holbeck Ward £2,333.00 and City & Hunslet Ward £1,167.00) - Approved

Beeston Festival 2012

Beeston Festival

£5,000.00 (Revenue) (£2,500.00 Beeston & Holbeck and £2,500.00 City & Hunslet) – Approved.

Bands in the Park and Dog Show 2012

Friend of Cross Flatts Park

£2,300.00 (Revenue) – Approved.

Middleton Park Craft, Flower and Produce Show 

Friends of Middleton Park

£3,080.00 (Revenue) (Middleton Park Ward) – Approved.

South Leeds Superstars 2012

Tiger 11

£9,329.00 (Revenue) (£2,943.00 Beeston & Holbeck Ward, £3,610.00 City & Hunslet Ward and £2,776.00 Middleton Park Ward) – Approved.

South Leeds Life

Health For All

£9,000.00 (Revenue) (£3,000.00 from each Ward) – Approved, subject to the development of a distribution schedule.

Young People First Project

Leeds Youth Service

£15,390.00 (Revenue) (£9,129.00 Beeston & Holbeck Ward and £6,261.00 City & Hunslet Ward) – Deferred, in order to enable the application to be referred to the Inner South Children and Young People’s Working Group for consideration.


St. Lukes Cares

£12,500.00 (Revenue) - Deferred, in order to enable the application to be referred to the Inner South Children and Young People’s Working Group for consideration.

Marlboroughs Green Roof Project

Groundwork Leeds

£5,995.00 (Revenue) – Approved.

Middleton Worker


That the contract be allowed to lapse at its conclusion on 31st March 2012.

Hunslet Library – Additional Items

Library and Information Services

£1,300.00 (Revenue) – Approved, subject to any of this funding which can be allocated from City & Hunslet Ward’s capital budget being utilised.

Victims of Crime Fund

West Yorkshire Police

£2,500.00 (Revenue)  - Approved, upon receipt of information in response to the issues raised by Members during the meeting.

West Yorkshire Police Off-Road Bikes

West Yorkshire Police

£2,964.00 (Revenue) – Approved, upon receipt of information  in response to the issues raised by Members during the meeting.

Domestic Violence Educations and Support Project

Women’s Health Matters

£8,000.00 (Revenue) – Approved, upon receipt of information in response to the issues raised by Members during the meeting.

Keep Sussed and Safe (SL)

Getaway Girls

£6,630.00 (Revenue) – Approved, upon receipt of information in response to the issues raised by Members during the meeting.

No Cold Calling Zones

Leeds City Council Licensing

£1,800.00 (Revenue) – Approved, upon receipt of information in response to the issues raised by Members during the meeting.

New projects to be developed via the Crime and Grime meetings


£5,016.00 (Revenue) – Approved.



(f)  That the current position, in respect of Small Grant allocation, as detailed at paragraph 5.0 of the submitted report, be noted.

Supporting documents: