Agenda item

Applications 11/04911/FU and 11/04912/FU - Refurbishment and re-use of two cottages into one dwelling including external alterations and associated listed building application - 4 and 6 Royds Green Cottages Royds Lane Rothwell LS26

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer on an application for refurbishment and re-use of 2 cottages into 1 dwelling including external alterations and associated listed building application


(report attached)




  Prior to considering the application, the Chair explained that as there were two applications, each with a separate Listed Building application, for residential development at Royds Green Cottages, it was proposed to present both applications simultaneously but then determine the applications separately

  Plans, photographs and drawings were displayed at the meeting.  A site visit had taken place earlier in the day which some Members had attended

  The proposals related to the refurbishment and re-use of 2 cottages into one dwelling, with external alterations and conversion of barns into 7 dwellings at Royds Green, Royds Lane Rothwell which was situated in the Green Belt

  It was noted that previous proposals for residential development of these sites had been considered by Plans Panel East in November and December 2008, with the applications being refused on the grounds of inappropriate development in the Green Belt and harm to interests of nature conservation.  Whilst the appeals lodged by the applicant following refusal had been dismissed, these were not on the grounds put forward by the Council but on the impact of the proposals on the historic fabric/interest of the existing properties

  Officers presented the applications and stated that following the appeals, revisions had been made to address the criticisms raised by the Inspector with original features being retained together with existing openings; demolition of non-original lean-to; provision of bat and bird boxes and replanting of trees to mitigate removal of some trees to accommodate the provision of a new road

  The Panel heard representations from an objector and the applicant’s agent who attended the meeting

  Members commented on the following matters:

·  the action taken to require the owner of the properties to maintain these properties to prevent further deterioration.  On this point, the Panel’s Lead Officer stated that depending upon the decisions made by Panel, this matter would be pursued

·  the density of the scheme and whether negotiations had taken place with the applicant to reduce the number of dwellings being proposed.  Members were informed that this matter had not been taken up with the applicant as the Inspector had not raised the density of the proposals as a reason for refusal

·  that the applications relating to 4-6 Royds Green Cottages constituted a significant amount of work which could be considered a rebuild, rather than a refurbishment.  The Panel’s Lead Officer accepted this and stated that this did amount to inappropriate development but that the proposals would bring back into use a Listed Building and therefore this constituted very special circumstances to outweigh the harm to the Green Belt

·  the impact of the proposals which would effectively double the size of the hamlet and would impact on wildlife through the increased numbers of people who would occupy the site

·  concerns that the buildings had been left to deteriorate

·  that the proposals would enhance the area

The Panel considered how to proceed and noted the position of a

current tenant

  RESOLVED -  That the applications be granted subject to the conditions set out in the submitted report



Supporting documents: