Agenda item

Leeds Health and Social Care Transformation Programme: Update

To consider a report by the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development which provides an update on the Leeds Health and Social Care Transformation Programme


(Report attached)


Further to minute 69 of the Scrutiny Board (Health and Wellbeing and Adult Social Care) meeting held on 29th February 2012 where the Board considered a report on the work of the Transformation Board, Members considered a further report relating to the efficiencies identified and generated through the work of the Transformation Board and supporting projects.


Information around the NHS Airedale, Bradford and Leeds’ Quality Innovation Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) programme was appended to the report. A revised report providing further information had been circulated immediately prior to the meeting.


Attending for this item was Philomena Corrigan (Executive Director for Delivery and Service Transformation) – NHS Airedale, Bradford and Leeds who introduced the report, highlighting the following points:


The Transformation Programme had been running for approximately two years, and its main aims were to:


·  Improve the patient experience

·  Make care much more integrated

·  Make it easier for patients to navigate their way through the care system

·  Smooth some care pathways

·  Free up resources by making savings and improving productivity


The Executive Director added that providers were required to make 4% savings per year – 2½% inflationary and 1½% deflation on the financial value of contracts. The Executive Director for Delivery and Service Transformation then responded to Members’ questions and comments, which included the following key points of discussion:


·  Disappointment around the lack of clear information within the report,  despite the Board’s request at its February meeting.  The aim of the report should have been to demonstrate the savings achieved through the work of the Transformation Board and supporting programme of work and where any savings had been reinvested. 

·  The need for a ‘more consumable’ report, in terms of its clarity, use of language and acronyms.  Clear advice had been given that it should be written in plain English so it could be understood by a member of the public.

·  The complex and changing nature of NHS structures and associated funding.

·  Top-slicing of NHS funding and whether well-run Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) were subsidising less well-managed PCTs.

·  The need for PCTs to be financially balanced by the end of 2012/13 to ensure any of the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) did not inherit a deficit.

·  Significant risks likely to impact on the NHS QIPP programme, including:

1.  The Local Authority’s ability to continue to support people in the community;

2.  Changes to national commissioning policies and specialised commissioning;

3.  Providers unable to meet the 4% savings target

4.  The need for continued and appropriate support for CCGs over the next 12 months.


The Executive Director accepted the Board’s comments about the content of the report, explained that not all savings would be measured on a ‘cash releasing’ basis as some savings would be around increased productivity.  The Executive Director agreed to provide a further, more detailed report to a future meeting of the Board.



(i)  To note the information provided and comments made at the 


(ii)  That a further, more detailed report be presented to a future 

  meeting of the Board, reflecting the comments made by members

  at both the current meeting and the Board meeting held in February



Supporting documents: