To consider the report of the Director of Adult Social Services outlining the options for replacing the current ESCR and ESCR financials systems and detailing the case for adopting a shared service partnership arrangement with another local authority, Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council, as the preferred option. In addition, the report outlines the supporting technology components, including Electronic Document Record Management and Reporting, to be implemented alongside the case management solution. The report also seeks approval to enter into a partnership agreement with Calderdale Council and release funding and incur expenditure as detailed within section 6 of this report.
Appendix 1 to this report is designated as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3).
The Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report outlining the options available for replacing the current Electronic Social Care Record (ESCR) and ESCR financial systems, whilst also detailing the case for adopting a shared service partnership arrangement with another local authority. In addition, the report outlined the supporting technology components, including Electronic Document Record Management and Reporting, to be implemented alongside the case management solution. The report also sought approval to enter into a partnership agreement with Calderdale Council, release the related funding and incur the necessary expenditure.
The report noted that a number of options for the replacement of the existing ESCR and ESCR financial systems had been investigated. The options considered related to:
Responding to specific concerns raised as to whether the Adult Social Care Client Information System used by Calderdale Council would be fit for Leeds’ purpose, it was requested that related matters were referred to the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee, so that the acquisition of the system could be monitored.
Following a Member’s enquiry regarding the costs associated with this scheme, together with the equivalent system used by Children’s Services, the Member in question was provided with further details, with officers undertaking to provide more detailed information, should this be required.
Having noted the comments which had been made, it was agreed that further to the related matters being referred to the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee, Executive Board receive an update report every 6 months in order to monitor the progress of the initiative.
Following consideration of Appendix 1 to the submitted report, designated as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the meeting, it was
(a) That approval be given to enter into a partnership agreement with Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council for the purchase of an initial 20% share of their Adult Social Care Client Information System (CIS), with options to increase this share as described in section 3.2 of the submitted report.
(b) That the necessary expenditure be authorised, as defined within exempt Appendix 1 to the submitted report, to undertake the following:-
· purchase a share in the system and implementation support from Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council;
· implement the Case management, integrated financial and contract management modules of Calderdale’s CIS in partnership with Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council to meets Leeds requirements;
· implement and integrate Leeds City Council’s corporate Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) in parallel with the Case Management System;
· build and develop a reporting and Business Intelligence (BI) solution utilising existing corporate reporting and Business Intelligence technology.
(c) That the matters raised in relation to the Adult Social Care Client Information System be referred to the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee, so that the acquisition of the system can be monitored.
(d) That Executive Board receive a report every 6 months which provides an update in respect of the project’s progress.
Supporting documents: