Agenda item

Application 12/01191/FU -Variation of Condition 34 of Planning Permission 11/01979/EXT (Proposing Design Changes including provision of a roof top bar, a feature glass lift, an increase in height of the building, an increase in basement floor space and a reduction in the number of hotel bedrooms) at car park 'D', Portland Crescent and Cookridge Street, Leeds LS2 3AW

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer on a variation of Condition 34 of Planning Permission 11/01979/EXT (Proposing Design Changes including provision of a roof top bar, a feature glass lift, an increase in height of the building, an increase in basement floor space and a reduction in the number of hotel bedrooms) at car park 'D', Portland Crescent and Cookridge Street, Leeds LS2 3AW.


(Report attached)


The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application on a variation of Condition 34 of Planning Permission 11/01979/EXT (Proposing Design Changes including provision of a roof top bar, a feature glass lift, an increase in height of the building, an increase in basement floor space and a reduction in the number of hotel bedrooms) at car park 'D', Portland Crescent and Cookridge Street, Leeds LS2 3AW.


Officers briefly outlined the proposals contained in the submitted report.


Members were shown detailed plans and photographs of the site. 


The Chair then invited questions and comments from Members on the specific proposals of the application.


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:-


  • Clarification of the roof line proposals
  • Clarification of the external materials to be used
  • The need for the Panel to be given reassurances that there would not be a future wind problem at the site and that the wind study had been undertaken properly bearing in mind the potential loss of life and the recent Bridgewater case
  • The need for the Panel to be provided with more up to date details in relation to the Employment and Training Section 106 clause
  • The need for the Panel to be provided with more detail in relation to the car parking arrangements and numbers
  • The need for more detailed consideration to be given to the landscaping conditions/proposals in view of the prime location of the site to include specific tree planting i.e. pleached trees and appropriate sculptures and water features/fountains to compliment the building and area
  • Clarification of the external lighting of the building with specific reference to the visual lift proposals
  • Clarification of proposals relating to the roof top bar area and whether the top floor should be fully glazed
  • Clarification of the current conditions attached to car parking permission at the Rose Bowl 


At the request of the Chair, the Area Planning Manager, Planning Services responded individually to the above issues.


He informed the meeting that with regards to the wind survey, officers were unable to give guarantees that there would be no incident arising from future freak weather conditions. However the applicant‘s wind study had been carried out appropriately and had been verified by the Council’s independent wind consultant. It was considered that the wind conditions likely to be generated around the development would be acceptable for the proposed use of the area.


In relation to the training and employment Section 106 clause, it would not be acceptable to go beyond the use of “reasonable endeavours” to secure local employment and training opportunities arising from the development but he stated that the Chief Officer, Employment and Skills, Environment and Neighbourhoods was very active in this area and worked closely with the Chief Planning Officer to secure local employment and training benefits.


In relation to the proposed landscaping details it was suggested that these were brought back to Panel prior to discharging the landscaping condition.


The rooftop design had been carefully considered by the design officer and it was considered a wholly glazed top floor would not provide the best appearance and junction with the floors below. The framing to the top floor better tied the finish to the rest of the building design. The external finishing material would be a predominantly natural limestone cladding.


In conclusion, he informed the meeting that there was no car parking for this site as alternative car parking was available within close proximity of the building i.e. Rose Bowl, Woodhouse Lane Multi-storey and because it was considered that with the existing on-street parking controls there would not be an adverse impact on the highway. Also the Rose Bowl was controlled as a short stay car park.



a)  That the application be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning 

  Officer for approval, subject to the specified conditions (and any others 

  which he might consider appropriate) and the completion of a Section

  106 agreement to include the following:-

-  obligations; public transport contribution (£123,760); travel plan and monitoring fee(£2,500);

-  compensation for loss of five on-street parking bays (£37,240);

-  tree contribution due to the removal of trees at the site (£40,000);

-  employment and training initiatives; Section 106 management fee (£2,250).

b)  That in the circumstances where the Section 106 has not been completed within 3 months of the resolution to grant planning permission the final determination of the application shall be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer.

c)  That prior to the Chief Planning Officer discharging the landscaping conditions on this application, this issue be brought back to the Plans Panel meeting for consideration.


Supporting documents: