Agenda item

Applications 12/00662/FU & 12/00663/LI - Full Planning and Listed Building applications for the change of use and alterations to former medical institute to form student accommodation comprising 17 cluster flats and 26 studio flats (total 110 bed spaces), with associated gym, cycle store, laundry, reception, plant room, bin store and detached sub station; alterations to car parking, access and landscaping - The Algernon Firth Building, Thoresby Place, Leeds LS1

To consider the report of the Chief Planning Officer on two applications for the change of use and alterations to former a medical institute to form student accommodation comprising 17 cluster flats and 26 studio flats (total 110 bed spaces), with associated gym, cycle store, laundry, reception, plant room, bin store and detached sub station; alterations to car parking, access and landscaping at the Algernon Firth Building, Thoresby Place, Leeds LS1


(Report attached)



Having declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in this matter, Councillor Martin Hamilton withdrew from the meeting


Plans, drawings, photographs and graphics were displayed at the meeting. 

 A site visit had take place earlier in the day which Members had attended

Officers presented the report which sought planning permission and Listed Building consent for a Change of Use and alterations to form student accommodation at the Grade II Listed Algernon Firth Building - formerly Leeds University’s Institute of Pathology – on Thoresby Place LS1, which was situated in close proximity to the Central Area Conservation Area


Members were informed that the proposals were for 110 bed spaces in a mixture of cluster and studio flats over three floors, with some duplex accommodation being provided on the third floor


A sympathetic conversion was proposed, with the existing porter’s reception area and the stair core being retained and refurbished.  Externally the non-sensitive additions in the form of ducting and escape staircases would be removed with the existing feature railings being retained, although an existing electricity sub-station within the site would need to be retained


The lightwell to the southern side would be increased in width and made a feature of with seating and planting to enhance amenity and outlook for residents. The existing car parking adjacent to the building is for NHS staff. This would be retained but would be altered from chevron to tandem parking, leading to a reduction in the number of spaces from 21 to 12. However, the provision of one disabled parking space for the proposed use had been agreed with the applicant with all the other spaces being for the sole use of NHS staff


If minded to approve the application in principle, Officers requested the following amendments to the proposed conditions:


·  Condition 4 – landscaping proposals to be submitted before commencement of the landscaping works

·  Condition 7 – to require servicing arrangements to be carried out in accordance with the submitted revised servicing strategy

·  Condition 8 – storage and disposal of litter and waste materials – details to be agreed prior to occupation of the development

·  Condition 15 – to be deleted

Application ref:1200663/LI

·  Additional condition requiring the two plaques within the building to be retained and reused

  Members commented on the following matters:

·  the electricity sub-station, the size of this; its proximity to the accommodation and whether everything had been explored to avoid this being sited so prominently

·  the suspended ceilings and whether there was a sufficient gap between this and the windows

·  the need to ensure the partitions to be used to divide the rooms provided adequate noise insulation

·  that some of the duplex units were narrow in comparison to others with concerns that inferior living conditions should not be created

·  the possibility of securing two disabled car parking spaces within the revised parking layout

Officers provided the following responses:

·  that consideration of the siting of the electricity sub-station had taken place but due to the need for it to be accessible at all times, this was considered to be the most appropriate location for it.  To create a softer effect, its appearance would be improved as the sub-station would be clad in timber

·  in respect of the suspended ceilings, these had been set back as much as possible and the gap would be approximately 600mm, which had been agreed with the Conservation Officer

·  regarding the sound attenuation qualities of the partitions, a sound insulation scheme was required to be agreed by a condition and if required, the materials used could be tested

·  concerning the size of the units, all exceeded the guidance from colleagues in Environmental Health  in respect of achieving appropriate spaces for studio rooms.  Whilst it was accepted that some of the duplex rooms were narrow, they did benefit from double height space and were consistent with what had been approved elsewhere.  The Central Area Planning Manager stated that whilst Members’ concerns could be discussed with the applicants, the number of bedrooms being provided in the scheme was key to its viability

·  that the possibility of securing a second disabled car parking space could be discussed and dealt with by condition

Members largely welcomed the proposals, particularly the reuse of a

Listed Building to provide student accommodation in a highly sustainable location and requested that a further site visit be undertaken on completion of the scheme

  RESOLVED -  To defer and delegate approval to the Chief Planning Officer subject to the conditions set out in the appendix to the submitted report – subject to the amendments outlined by Officers and including a further condition requiring the two plaques within the building to be retained and reused (and any other conditions which he might consider appropriate) and subject to further discussions on the number of duplex units to be provided in view of Members’ concerns about the four smaller units being proposed and the possibility of securing a second disabled parking space in the altered NHS staff parking provision adjacent to the building



  Following consideration of this matter, Councillor Martin Hamilton resumed his seat in the meeting



Supporting documents: