Agenda item

Members' Questions

To receive a report from the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development which gives Members the opportunity to ask questions of the Director(s) who chair the Corporate Priority Board which matches the Scrutiny Board’s portfolio, or the Director’s nominee



As prior notice of questions had been received from Members, the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report which afforded Scrutiny Board Members the opportunity to put questions to the relevant service Directors.


Councillor Richard Brett, Lead Executive Member for Children’s Services, Rosemary Archer, Director of Children’s Services and Ros Vahey, Deputy Chief Executive, Education Leeds were in attendance to answer Members’ questions.


(a). What policy was in place to detect (and test for) dyslexia within schools and/or educational establishments?


In response, the Board was advised that the identification of special educational needs was primarily the responsibility of schools, however it was stated that schools were comprehensively assisted by Education Leeds’ Support Service and that a wide ranging training programme had been established to help staff identify and address such issues.


A question and answer session ensued. The main areas of debate were as follows:-

·  Confirmation that the term ‘dyslexia’ was recognised in Leeds;

·  The range of tests which could be undertaken if a child was suspected of having special educational needs, and the extent to which staff in schools in Leeds were currently in a position to administer such tests and interpret their findings;

·  The extent and ease to which schools could receive assistance from Education Leeds’ Support Service due to waiting lists;

·  The methods used to publicise training in this field and the effectiveness of such publicity.


RESOLVED – That the information provided be noted.


(b). How frequently, and by whom, are health and safety checks carried out within schools and who acts on reports received, following the checks?


In response, Members were advised that individual schools were required to ensure the safety of all those using their facilities. The Board noted that schools conducted their own checks and that Education Leeds had a Health, Safety and Wellbeing Team which visited schools every 3 years, although more frequent visits were often organised in response to specific requests or risks. Members were advised that from such visits, safety reports were compiled and submitted to the school’s Head Teacher and Chair of Governors for inspection.


It was confirmed that there was also a role for the Health and Safety Executive in line with all workplaces. Members raised concerns about the conditions which arose in certain schools following the recent wet weather. In response, Members were invited to relay any specific concerns to Education Leeds.


RESOLVED – That the information provided be noted.


(c). The Director of Children’s Services then fielded a range of questions which related to the number of looked after children who had been placed outside of Leeds, the reasons for their placements, the weekly cost of such placements, the number of children from outside of Leeds who were now looked after in Leeds and whether the Council was reimbursed from other authorities in such circumstances.


In summary, the response submitted to the Board addressed the following issues:-

·  31 looked after children from Leeds were currently placed outside of Leeds;

·  The cost of children from Leeds being looked after outside of Leeds was currently £69,000 per week, however the Board was advised that this figure constantly changed;

·  Members noted the variety of reasons why children from Leeds had been placed in care outside of Leeds;

·  The authority had been notified by other local authorities of about 185 looked after children from outside of Leeds who had been placed within the city. Members were reassured that there was no cost to the authority associated with such placements.


A question and answer session then followed the response. The main areas of debate were:-

·  The significant weekly cost of looking after children placed outside Leeds;

·  The incidence of guardians influencing court recommendations for a placement outside Leeds despite Social Services own judgements about the availability of appropriate services in Leeds. The Director of Children’s Services undertook to confirm any recent instances of this occurring;

·  The possibility of having secure care facilities for girls in Yorkshire, if there was a need for such facilities, and an indication that this issue was being considered as part of the review of children’s residential care.


RESOLVED – That the information provided be noted.


(Mrs S Knights declared a personal interest in this item, due to being a foster parent of a child from another local authority)


(Councillor Murray left the meeting during the consideration of this item)


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