Agenda item

Application 11/04987/FU- Two Storey and Single Storey Side Extension to Form Enlarged Music Venue with Roof Bar and Terrace Over at the Faversham, 1-5 Springfield Mount, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, LS2 9NG

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer for a two storey and single storey side extension to form enlarged music venue with roof bar and terrace vver at the Faversham, 1-5 Springfield Mount, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, LS2 9NG.



The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for a two storey and single storey side extension to form enlarged music venue with roof bar and terrace over at the Faversham, 1-5 Springfield Mount, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, LS2 9NG.


Appended to the report was copy of the conditions attached to the application for the information/comment of the meeting (Appendix 1 refers).


Members were shown detailed plans and photographs of the site and had previously visited the site prior to the meeting.


Officers briefly outlined the proposals contained in the submitted report.


In his presentation, the Senior Planner informed the meeting that the extension would create a modern building designed to protect neighbouring amenities.


The Chair then invited questions and comments from Members on the specific proposals of the application.


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:-


  • Clarification of the how the smoking area would reduce noise nuisance
  • The view expressed that the extension looked like ‘a window less box’ and that further work was required on the design and top storey proposals to make it more attractive to customers using the building
  • The concerns expressed regarding the noise coming from the existing four speakers on the outdoor terrace, which was causing a general nuisance for local residents and whether or not the smokers area could be covered over in the winter
  • The need for more restrictions to be applied to the outdoor terrace should it be approved at today’s meeting
  • The need for the developer and the applicant to develop a stronger bond and trust with local residents and to limit weekday operations to help young families living in the area
  • The need to address the materials used for the extension in view of complaints received from local Councillors and Resident Groups
  • To welcome the fact that a toilet extension would be removed from the site and that the main entrance to the pub would be improved and restored
  • The need for the top storey to be reduced in size
  • The need for appropriate shrubbery to break up the appearance of the extension


At the request of the Chair, the Chief Planning Officer, Deputy Area Planning Manager and Senior Planners responded individually to the above issues.


The Senior Planner informed the meeting that the noise management plan would be conditioned to protect amenity. In relation to the four speakers located on the outdoor terrace, conditions would prevent outdoor music on the proposed terrace.  The Panel noted that the applicant had gone for a modern/contemporary look and that the introduction of more windows to the extension would result in a temptation to open more windows resulting in further noise nuisance.


The Deputy Area Planning Manager informed the meeting that the proposed extension and main building would be seen together only at an oblique angle and that the top floor roof light would not be visible from the south east or further a field due to the close proximity and dense planted nature of the south east site boundary.


The Chief Planning Officer commented that the architect had an excellent track record in designs of this nature and that a more sophisticated approach had been undertaken in relation to this application. The proposals went some way to improving the situation for local residents and he recommended to the Panel that Condition 4 in relation to the noise management plan should be revisited and strengthened.



a) That the application be granted permission, subject to the conditions and reason for approval set out in Appendix 1.

b) That arising from discussions at the meeting, approval be given to the following issues:-

- that condition 4 (noise management plan) be revisited and strengthened

- that materials be agreed at a future meeting at the condition discharge stage

- that the hours of use of the outdoor terrace bar be restricted as 

  follows:-  Sunday to Thursday 1100-2100 / Friday and Saturday 1100-2200.



Supporting documents: