Agenda item

Bringing Forward Brownfield Sites - Information Requested

To consider a report of the Head of Scrutiny and Member and Development on information requested with regards to bringing forward brownfield sites which includes the general approach to the disposal of property.



Referring to Minute 26 of the meeting held on 20th July 2012, the Head of Scrutiny and Member and Development submitted a report on information requested with regards to bringing forward brownfield sites which included the general approach to the disposal of property.


Appended to the report Were copies of the following document for the information/comment of the meeting:


  • Bringing Forward Brownfield Development Sites - Report of the Director of City Development (Appendix 1 refers)
  • Development of Council-Owned Brownfield Development Sites – Report of the Director of City Development (Appendix 2 refers)


The following representatives were in attendance and responded to Members’ queries and comments:


-  Ms Christine Addison, Acting Chief Asset Management Officer, City 


-  Mr Adam Brannen, Programme Manager, City Development

-  Mr Chris Gomersall, Head of Property Services, City Development

-  Mr Ben Middleton, Senior Surveyor, City Development


At the request of the Chair, the Acting Chief Asset Management Officer updated the meeting on the number of Council owned brownfield sites and progress in marketing these sites for development..


In summary, specific reference was made to a number of issues including:


  • Clarification if the information relating to the bringing forward of brownfield sites which included the general approach to the disposal of property was shared with Ward Members or Area Committees

(The Head of Property Services, City Development responded and stated that the disposal process could be widened as required)

  • Clarification if there was another ‘exempt’ list of Council owned sites for disposal  e.g. West Park Centre

(The Head of Property Services, City Development stated that the current list was up to date and included all properties currently allocated for disposal)

  • Clarification of the range of potential options in Section 3.23 of the report that had been considered in bringing these sites forward for redevelopment
  • Clarification of the current progress in relation to EASEL sites where 2 of the 8 sites had been built out. Members asked whether consideration had been given to offering these remaining sites at nil value or minimum consideration in order to progress these sites and  whether this option had been discussed with Bellway Homes

(The Programme Manager, City Development stated that the Council and Bellway have an ongoing dialogue about the EASEL sites, two of which were completed and two currently under construction - the consideration for those remaining would be subject to an agreed approach that would demonstrate viability of development and the land value resulting. A report would be presented to a future Executive Board meeting on how other sites could be packaged for disposal and where appropriate at nil or minimum consideration)

  • Clarification if the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service had consulted the Council regarding three identified sites which may be surplus to requirements

(The Senior Surveyor, City Development  informed the meeting that there was an ongoing dialogue with the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service)

  • Clarification of how closely Asset Management were working with Children’s Services regarding Primary School accommodation on Council owned sites

(The Senior Surveyor, City Development  informed the meeting that they were conscious of the pressures and as a result they were working very closely with Children’s Services in this regard) 

  • Clarification of how many houses could be built on the brownfield sites listed and the view was expressed by the  Board that all 76 brownfield sites should be included in the SHLAA process and count against the 5 year land supply and not be classified as windfall sites



a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted and welcomed.

b)  That this Board recommends to the Director of City Development that all brownfield sites should be included in the SHLAA process and count in the 5 year land supply and housing target set for the Council and not be classified as windfall sites.

c)  That the list of Council owned brownfield sites submitted to this Board  be circulated to all Members of Council for their information and attention.

d)  That regular updates to this list be provided by the Director of City Development and circulated to all Members of Council.

e)  That a further progress report on the disposal of Council owned Brownfield sites listed at today’s meeting be submitted to this Board in 6 months time.

f)  That the Board will consider a report on non Council owned brownfield sites at its meeting in October 2012.



Supporting documents: