Agenda item

Well Being Budget (Revenue) 2012/13

To consider a report of the South East Area Leader updating Members on the Well Being Budget for Outer East in 2012/13; how the Area Committee decided to allocate the funds against specific work streams and seeking approval for new project work





The South East Area Leader submitted a report updating Members on the Well Being Budget for Outer East in 2012/13; how the Area Committee decided to allocate the funds against specific work streams and seeking approval for new project work.


Appended to the report was a copy of a document entitled ‘ Outer East small grants position as at 5th October 2012’ for the information/comment of the meeting.


Prior to considering the report, Martin Hackett, Area Improvement Manager, South East Leeds informed the meeting that arising from recent discussions with ward Members, the following three new projects had been identified for funding for consideration at today’s meeting:-


  • Glebelands sports pitch Improvements - £1,600
  • East Garforth Recreation ground security improvements - £1,750
  • Traffic Signals on Osmonthorpe Lane - £16,000


The Committee agreed to consider the new projects and the Area Improvement Manager, South East Leeds confirmed he would produce supplementary information providing specific details on these projects after the meeting for publication on the Council’s internet site.


The Area Improvement Manager, South East Leeds presented the report and responded to Members’ comments and queries.


In his presentation he introduced the following officers who were in attendance to provide a brief presentation on their respective projects which at it’s May meeting, the Area Committee had agreed to set aside funding:-


  • Angela Lewis - Dedicated Probation Services ‘Community Payback’
  • James Nundy – Older Persons’ Event Week 2012


Discussion ensued on the contents of the presentations and the Chair thanked both officers for their attendance and contribution to the meeting.


In concluding discussions, the South East Area Leader commented on the wellbeing budget process agreed for 2013/14 which was noted by the Committee.



a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

b)  That the Small Grants approved to date be noted.

c)  That the following projects be dealt with as follows:-





Cross Gates Barnbow War Memorial


Agreed £5,000



Covert CCTV camera for Environmental Locality Team



Agreed £1,600 x 4

i.e. one in each ward

Road Markings around Whitkirk Primary School


Agreed £5,000

Friday Night Project (Halton Moor)


Agreed £2,000

Electricity Supply and Christmas Tree holding base (Cross Gates)


Agreed £4,000

Glebelands Pitch Improvements

Agreed £1,600


East Garforth Recreation Ground

Agreed £1,750


Traffic signals to Osmondthorpe Lane


Agreed £16,000


d)  That at the request of the Committee, the Chair be requested to write a letter of thanks to those offenders involved with Dedicated Probation Services ‘Community Payback’ Team which could be also used as part of their curriculum vitae.

e)  That Mr J Nundy be thanked for his hard work in relation to the success of the Older Person’s Event week 2012 held from 1st-5th October 2012 and that this event be discussed at the next Area Chairs Forum.

f)  That in relation to promoting attendance at luncheon clubs held in villages within the area, further discussions be undertaken between officers and NET with a report back on progress at the next meting.

g)  That in relation to Leeds Lights and the funding issues raised at the meeting by Councillor Grahame within the Crossgates area, the Area Improvement Manager, South East Leeds be requested to ensure that Members of the Committee were in possession of the relevant information.

Supporting documents: