Agenda item

LDF Core Strategy - Pre-submission Changes for Consultation

To consider the report of the Director of City Development presenting proposed changes to the Publication Draft of the Leeds Development Framework Core Strategy and accompanying Sustainability Report which have arisen from the consultation exercise undertaken. In addition, the report seeks the Board’s agreement to submit the documents to full Council for the purposes of formal approval and submission to the Secretary of State for independent examination.



Further to Minute No. 197, 10th February 2012, the Director of City Development submitted a report presenting the proposed pre-submission changes to the Publication Draft of the Leeds Development Framework (LDF) Core Strategy and the accompanying Sustainability Report, which had arisen from the consultation exercise undertaken. In addition, the report sought the Board’s agreement to submit the documents to full Council for the purposes of formal approval and submission to the Secretary of State for independent examination.


Prior to the meeting, Executive Board Members had received copies of documents detailing the respective comments of Scrutiny Board (Sustainable Economy and Culture) and Scrutiny Board (Health and Wellbeing and Adult Social Care), following both Boards’ consideration of the LDF Core Strategy. In addition, Board Members had also received three appendices detailing further proposed changes to the LDF Core Strategy Pre-Submission Draft, together with an updated version of the associated Key Diagram.


In presenting the report, the Executive Member for Neighbourhoods, Planning and Support Services highlighted the further proposed changes which had been circulated to Board Members prior to the meeting and also proposed one further amendment, specifically that Colton was not categorised within the Pre-Submission Draft document as a ‘Town Centre’. 


Responding to a specific enquiry raised in respect of the term ‘sustainability’ and its relationship with the Strategy, emphasis was placed upon the importance of ensuring that future developments were sustainable. In addition, the Board was informed that a Sustainability Appraisal had been undertaken in respect of the Strategy, in order to ensure that any  developments which were delivered as part of the Strategy were in line with the Council’s sustainable principles.


Members discussed the levels of opportunity for Elected Member involvement during the Strategy’s compilation, and it was highlighted that attempts had been made throughout the process to ensure that the correct balance was struck between ensuring that comprehensive consultation was undertaken, whilst also moving the Strategy forward. 


Board Members thanked all of those officers involved for the work they had undertaken throughout the preparation of the LDF Core Strategy document, together with all Elected Members who had contributed to the process.


In conclusion, the Chief Executive emphasised the ambitious nature of the Core Strategy, and highlighted the need for the development community to work in partnership with the Council in moving forward with the principles of it. In addition, the Chief Executive echoed the comments which had been made regarding the importance of ensuring that future developments were sustainable, specifically highlighting the work being undertaken around the delivery of appropriate infrastructure. 



(a)  That the pre-submission changes to the Publication Draft of the Core Strategy as detailed within the submitted report and appendices, the further appendices circulated prior to the meeting and via the specific proposal made at the meeting, namely that Colton is not categorised in the Pre-Submission Draft as a ‘Town Centre’, be approved, together with the sustainability report (addendum).


(b)  That Council be recommended to approve the Publication Draft Core Strategy and the sustainability report for the purposes of submission to the Secretary of State for independent examination pursuant to Section 20 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


(c)  That approval be given to a further period for representations to be provided on the pre-submission changes, and that any further representations received be submitted to the Secretary of State at the time the Publication Draft Core Strategy is submitted for independent examination.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor Golton required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)


(The resolutions referred to within this minute were not eligible for Call In, as the Development Plan Document which incorporates the LDF Core Strategy, is part of the Budgetary and Policy Framework. Therefore, the ultimate determination of such matters are reserved to Council, in line with the Council’s Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules)


Supporting documents: