Agenda item

Services for Blind and Visually Impaired People in Leeds

To consider a report of the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development presenting the recent correspondence received from the acting Chair of the National Federation of the Blind (Leeds Branch), in order that the Scrutiny Board might determine what, if any, further scrutiny activity may be required.


Referring to Minute 40 of the meeting held 26 September 2012, the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report on recent correspondence received from the acting Chair of the National Federation of the Blind (Leeds and District Branch), in order that the Scrutiny Board might determine what, if any, further scrutiny activity may be required.


Appended to the report were copies of the following documents for the information/comment of the meeting:-


·  Update on recommendations following deputation to Scrutiny by the National Federation of the Blind (16 January 2012) – Report of Director of Adult Social Services – Scrutiny Board (Health and Wellbeing and Adult Social Care) – dated 25 July 2012, but considered at the meeting held on 26 September 2012.

·  Letter from Acting Chair, National Federation of the Blind (Leeds and District Branch) to the Board’s Principal Scrutiny Adviser dated 9 November 2012.


The following representatives were in attendance and responded to Member’s queries and comments:


-  Hilary Adolfson (Chair Person), National Federation of the Blind (Leeds  and District Branch)

-  Ann Steel (Treasurer) – National Federation of the Blind (Leeds  and District Branch)


The Board’s Principal Scrutiny Adviser presented the report and provided a brief update to the meeting.


At the request of the Chair, Ms Steel outlined the concerns which were detailed in the letter dated 9 November 2012 which was appended to the report. In addition to the concerns outlined in the letter, Ms Steel also informed the Board that, in the view of the National Federation of the Blind (Leeds and District Branch), services for blind and visually impaired people in Leeds had deteriorated since the award of the new contract and the closure of Shire View had resulted in a detrimental effect on all service users. Specific issues highlighted included:


  • Service user views (from previous service users) regarding the new arrangements;
  • Service user consultation (prior to new contract arrangements being ut in place);
  • Delayed decisions regarding the future of Shire View;
  • Arrangements for signposting newly registered deafblind to services (e.g. accommodation based services at Fairfax House);


It was suggested that the Scrutiny Board may wish to consider undertaking (or requesting) a full impact assessment for the Deafblind, Blind and partially sighted as a matter of urgency.


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:-


·  Clarification of the number of service users using the service under the new contract arrangements

·  The view expressed that an impact assessment was the right course of action to fully assess the impact of the recent changes to service/ award of the contract

·  The loss of the facility at Shire View had, in the view of the National Federation of the Blind (Leeds and District Branch), resulted in a loss of specific social groups and general cohesion among some members of the deafblind, blind and visually impaired communities. 

·  The impact on the number / location of social groups previously housed at Shire View, the associated costs and available support.

·  The need for a building to be centrally accessible where a social environment could take place with little or no segregation.

·  The need for further dialogue between service users and relevant officers from Adult Social Care regarding current arrangements and service provision.


In concluding, the Chair invited representatives from the National Federation of the Blind (Leeds and District Branch) to submit further written details of their concerns to the Principal Scrutiny Adviser for submission to Adult Social Care for a response to be provided to a working group on a date to be determined.



a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

b)  That the Services for Blind and Visually Impaired People in Leeds issue be referred to a working group for detailed discussion upon the confirmation of the issues raised by the National Federation of the Blind (Leeds Branch), together with the  response from Adult Social Care.


Supporting documents: