Agenda item

Application 12/04984/FU - Ash Grove Social Club, 16 Ash Grove, Headingley

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for the change of use of a social club to form four flats; alterations including new windows, associated parking and landscaping


The report of the Chief Planning Officer introduced an application for the change of use of a social club to form 4 flats with landscaping and car parking at Ash grove Social Club, 16 Ash Grove, Leeds.


The item had been deferred at the previous meeting of the South and West Plans Panel to allow further consideration of objections submitted over the Christmas period post drafting of the report submitted to that meeting.  Members of the Panel had made a site visit prior to that meeting.


Site plans and photographs were displayed.


Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


·  The proposals would create 4 flats at ground and first floor levels.

·  There was already an approved extension for 5 flats which would give a total of 13 flats.

·  There would be 14 car parking spaces.

·  Objections included concern that the flats would be occupied by students which would further affect the demographic balance of the area.

·  The premises had been licensed as a social club for up to 150 customers.

·  There had been an extensive history of noise complaints from the premises.

·  The existing flats were let to students.

·  In terms of policy H15, the proposals did not specify student occupation and the proposals did not reduce family occupation.

·  It would be difficult to enforce conditions for the flats not to be let to students and Members were asked to consider the proposals in context of the previous use of the building as a social club.

·  The proposals would ensure improvements to the frontage of the property.

·  The property fell within the Headingley Conservation area.


Representations were made by a local Ward Councillor and a local community association.  These included the following:


·  Concern regarding the number of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) in the area.

·  History of noise disturbance and anti-social behaviour.

·  Impact on car parking.

·  The area needed more family homes which would attract people more likely to respect their neighbours and environment.

·  It was requested that a decision be postponed so this could be discussed at Area Committee.

·  Lack of consultation with residents regarding the proposals.

·  An increase in the number of students in the area would increase noise and disturbance.


The applicant’s agent addressed the meeting. He raised the following issues:


·  Planning permission had previously been granted that would have allowed a total of 33 flats at the premises.  There would be 30 in total with the new proposals.

·  The new flats would only accommodate a modest number of students in comparison to the social club that had a capacity of 150 guests.

·  The proposals were in full compliance with planning policy.

·  It was not felt that consultation was necessary as the views of community groups in the area had already been stressed on similar applications.


In response to Members comments and questions, the following issues were discussed:


·  The planning permission approved in 1997 was not pursued as the social club was kept as a preferred use at that time.

·  The flats could be occupied by anyone but were likely to be occupied by students.

·  Bin storage – conditions would be included to provide this.

·  Road safety concern due to potential impact of increased parking.

·  Disappointment at the lack of consultation with local residents.


RESOLVED – That the application be deferred for one cycle for officers to draft detailed reason/s for refusal regarding concerns expressed by Panel Members that the proposal would have an unacceptable effect/s on neighbours living conditions through increased activity, or noise and disturbance either from the proposal itself or combined with existing housing offering similar accommodation contrary to part (ii) of policy H15 and part (iv) of emerging core strategy policy H6.


Councillors P Wadsworth and R Wood requested that their abstention from the voting on this item be recorded.


Supporting documents: