Agenda item

2012/13 Quarter 3 Performance Report

To receive and consider a report from the Assistant Chief Executive (Customer Access and Performance) providing a summary of performance against the strategic priorities relevant to the Health and Well-being and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Board.


The Assistant Chief Executive (Customer Access and Performance) submitted a report providing a summary of performance against the strategic priorities relevant to the Health and Well-being and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Board.


Appended to the report were copies of the following documents for the information / comment of the meeting:


·  Performance Reports for the Health and Wellbeing City Priority Plan Priorities 2012/13 Quarter 3 (Appendix 1 refers)

·  Adult Social Care Directorate Priorities and Indicators (Appendix 2 refers).


The following representatives were in attendance and responded to Members’ queries and comments:-


-  Councillor L Yeadon (Executive Board Member for Adult Social Services) – Leeds City Council

-  Sandie Keene (Director of Adult Social Services) – Leeds City Council

-  Stuart Cameron-Strickland (Head of Policy, Performance and Improvement) – Leeds City Council, Adult Social Services

-  Dr. Ian Cameron (Joint Director of Public Health) – NHS Airedale Bradford and Leeds/Leeds City Council.


In summary, specific reference was made to the following areas:


·  The need to make more headway on the smoking figures.

(The Joint Director of Public Health responded and confirmed that tobacco would be included in the Children and Young Peoples’ Plan.

Further work was being undertaken on smokeless tobacco and from 1st April 2013 the three Clinical Commissioning Groups would be addressing smoking cessation with a view to taking ownership of the issue.  However tobacco would remain a top priority for the Board.)

·  Clarification of the role of people trained to be peer assessors.

(The Joint Director of Public Health responded and agreed to come back on the timescale issues via the Principal Scrutiny Adviser.)

·  The need to avoid implementing more and more reviews and strategies in this area and to seek practical advice from other local authorities in this area.

·  The need to target schools with a view to catching them young when discussing the dangers of tobacco smoking.

·  Clarification of the total spend on smoking cessation.

(The Joint Director of Public Health responded and agreed to come back on the costings via the Principal Scrutiny Adviser.)

·  Clarification of how much was invested by the Council in tobacco firms in relation to the West Yorkshire Pensions Fund.

·  Clarification of the data used in relation to Leeds being named ‘Best City for Health and Wellbeing’.

(The Joint Director of Public Health responded and highlighted the delays in accessing data due to the changes within the NHS.)

·  To express concerns again that the gap was not narrowing.

·  The need for the Board to acknowledge that poverty and children was a huge issue for the Board and of the fact that poverty had improved over the last 30 years.

·  The need to acknowledge the importance of starting with a partnership approach to tackle inequality of health.

·  Clarification of how the Board’s recommendations made last year on fuel poverty and free school meals were being taken forward.

·  Clarification as to why the target around helping people with poor physical or mental health to learn or relearn the skills for daily living was so poor.

(The Director of Adult Social Services responded and highlighted the measures in place to address this issue.)

·  Clarification of how routine the use of carbon monoxide was used in relation to training for midwifes.

(The Joint Director of Public Health responded and agreed to come back on this issue via the Principal Scrutiny Adviser.)



a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

b)  That this Board notes the Quarter 3 performance information and the issues which had been highlighted.


(Joy Fisher, Leeds LINk left the meeting at the conclusion of this item.)


Supporting documents: