Agenda item

Student Housing

To receive and consider reports from the Director of City Development and Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods on student accommodation in the city.


The Director of City Development submitted a revised report which explored issues underpinning the preparation of a new planning policy for student housing development in the city and listed current planning permissions and enquiries for purpose built student accommodation in the city.


Appended to the report was a copy of a report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods entitled ‘ Update on the analysis of current housing market trends within the Leeds 6 postcode areas’ for the information/comment of the meeting.


The following representatives were in attendance and responded to Members’ queries and comments:-


-  Councillor P Gruen, Executive Member, Neighbourhoods, Planning and Support Services

-  Mr Phil Crabtree, Chief Planning Officer, City Development

-  Mr Robin Coghlan, Team Leader, City Development 

-  Mr John Statham, Head of Housing Partnerships, Environment and Neighbourhoods

-  Mr Mark Ireland, Services Manager, Area Renewal, Environment and Neighbourhoods


The Chief Planning Officer presented the revised report and highlighted the background issues in relation to student accommodation in the city. He referred to the fact that student numbers were falling and some of the peripheral student areas for example in Meanwood and to the rear of the arena were discounting vacant units suggesting a surplus of supply in certain areas. At the same time the number of current planning permissions in place totalled 2471 new student bedrooms in purpose built accommodation. The Council continues to receive applications for student development often in locations which were considered unsuitable by adjoining occupiers and local residents with further enquiries being received on a regular basis. He referred to the closure of Boddington Hall. Finally, he referred to the Council’s planning policy set out in the Unitary Development Plan 2006 (UDP) which was expected to be superseded by policy in the draft Core Strategy when this plan is adopted in late 2013 or early 2014. He informed the meeting that it was therefore work in progress and welcomed Board Members views on the content.


Detailed discussion ensued on the contents of the reports.


In summary, specific reference was made to a number of issues including:-


·  The concerns expressed that Pennine House, Russell Street was a complete departure from the traditional areas for student accommodation and was the main reason why this issue was being discussed at today’s meeting

·  Clarification if Council policy on student housing had been fixed within the Core Strategy

(The Chief Planning Officer stated that the policy on student accommodation in the Core Strategy had moved to a criteria based policy which would for example enable the cumulative impact of student accommodation in an area to be taken into account. It would enable the development of supplementary planning polices for specific areas. He explained that the Core Strategy would be subject to a public examination in the summer of 2013 whereby the “soundness” of the plan policies would be considered by an independent inspector who would hear from objectors and from the Council. The review would involve key stakeholders including higher education providers, UNIPOL, key developers and local groups)

·  Clarification as to why the Chief Planning Officer made a decision to revise the original published report and what elements had been changed

(The Chief Planning Officer explained that Re’new had been commissioned to examine demand and supply for student housing in Leeds and report on options for future decision making. However, Re’new’s report which had been circulated with the agenda papers was in fact an interim position statement and had not been seen or commented upon by officers and did not focus on Leeds. It had therefore been withdrawn)

·  The concerns expressed that all the schemes detailed in section 3.8 of the report for student accommodation were located in one ward which had areas of serious deprivation

·  Clarification as to whether landlords were paying council tax on vacant student flat and the policy that applied during the summer months when student accommodation was empty

  (The Services Manager responded that he understood proof of identity

was required by the Council tax office re students to exempt landlord

from Council tax charges. He thought landlords applied for an exemption from Council tax for the year, but he agreed to seek clarification and circulate details to all members of the Scrutiny Board)

·  Clarification of the policy for the ‘’Area of Housing Mix’ and whether or not there were any restrictions on the locations of student accommodation

·  The need for the Board to consider the final report from Re’new as it would propose policies and management arrangements to better assess the future provision of student housing and the suitability of locations based on consultations it had carried out with key stakeholders including higher education institutions UNIPOL and others active in the student market

·  It was reported that a cross Council initiative was to be established on the issues relating to the traditional student housing areas



a)  That the contents of the revised report by the Chief Planning Officer and the report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods be noted.

b)  That it be recommended that a formal inquiry on student housing be undertaken by the successor to this Scrutiny Board in the new municipal year and that the Principal Scrutiny Adviser draw up draft terms of reference for consideration at its first meeting in June 2013.


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