Agenda item

A Summary Of Key Work

To receive a report of the Area Leader – South East Leeds, detailing work by the Area Management Team on key priorities in the Inner South Area of Leeds since the last Area Committee meeting.


The Area Leader submitted a report which provided brief details of the range of activities with which the Area Support Team are engaged based on the Area Committee Business Plan priorities, that are not addressed in greater detail elsewhere on this agenda. It provided opportunities for further questioning or the opportunity to request a more detailed report on a particular issue.


The Committee were provided with updates from the following Sub Group Chairs:


Children’s and Young People Sub Group


The Committee were informed that the Sub Group would be meeting on the 10th June 2013.


Inner South Environmental Sub Group


The Committee were informed that the green corridor had been discussed as had street cleaning and the local environment. Members were informed that the timetable and the development of the SLA3 had been fully discussed. Further, it was highlighted that the re-configuration of services should also result in extra resources.





Crime and Grime Partnership


The Group has begun looking at child exploitation. In terms of burglary, an action plan is being constructed which will be available in time for the next meeting of the Area Committee.


South East Health and Wellbeing Partnership


It was highlighted that there are high levels of smokers in Belle Isle and that in response, a new smoking cessation clinic was opened on May 3rd at Belle Isle Family Centre. The work on understanding and tackling obesity was mentioned to the Committee as an important area. The Committee were informed that the partnership is aiming to become more focused in its work by targeting specific issues.



Members discussed the International Day for Older Persons and the possibility of the Committee supporting this event. Members also considered funding an event to coincide with the 2013 celebrations.


The Committee received an update on the use of Public Health funding to support communities around Welfare Reform. Specifically, a Financial Fitness scheme and an IT Hub at Cottingley Towers were planned. The Committee heard from two officers representing West Yorkshire Trading Standards who highlighted the range of issues covered by the Financial Fitness scheme and the type of frauds which are prevalent at the moment and the workshops they provide to help people understand types of frauds and the rights they have as consumers. The programme also seeks to address wider money management issues. A detailed programme of workshops would be shared with Councillors before implementation. The Committee’s support for the work undertaken was requested.




(a)  That the contents of the submitted report be noted;

(b)  That in principal the Committee support the ring fencing of £1,500 for an event to coincide with the International Day for Older Persons; and

(c)  That the Committee support the programme to be delivered by West Yorkshire Trading Standards in South Inner area and looks fortward to receiving details of proposed workshops.

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