Agenda item

Application 13/01215/FU - Ash Grove Social Club, 16 Ash Grove, LS6 1AY

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for the change of use of ground and first floor of social club to form 6 flats.


The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for the change of use of ground and first floor of social club to form 6 flats and car parking at Ash Grove Social Club, 16 Ash Grove, Leeds, LS6 1AY.  A similar application had been refused by the Panel at the meeting held on 28 February 2013.


Site plans and photographs were displayed at the meeting.


Further issues highlighted at the meeting included the following:


·  The application was for 2 x 1 bedroom flats and 4 x 2 bedroom flats.  These would be aimed at young professionals and would be less likely to be attractive for students due to lower occupation and higher costs.

·  The Panel was given a review of the planning history of the site and concerns regarding issues such as the conservation area, high density of student accommodation and a history of residential complaints.  It was felt that the application would be less harmful to residential amenity than if the social club was to re-open.

·   Although the proposed flats would not be aimed at the student market, there was no guarantee that they would not be occupied by students and it would be difficult to enforce any conditions that may prevent student occupation.

·  It was felt that the proposals were compliant with development plans.

·  Reference was made to objections to the application.


A local Ward Councillor and community group representative addressed the panel with concerns and objections to the application.  Issues raised included the following:


·  The application was virtually identical to the one refused by Panel in February 2013 and still had the same number of bed spaces.

·  The student population of Ash Grove was currently 80%.

·  Noise complaints linked to the social club had been dealt with and enforced.

·  The proposals would lead to increased activity and potential for further anti-social behaviour, noise disturbance and traffic.

·  It was felt that the proposals breached policies H6 and H15.

·  The proposals did not fit with the Authority’s duty for Health and Social Care to promote and improve public health.


The applicant and their representative addressed the Panel.  Issues raised included the following:


·  The flats would be designed for professional/young family accommodation with en-suite double rooms.

·  The proposals were in accordance with policy H15 and complemented policy H6.

·  The proposals mirrored a previous application that had been approved by Panel.

·  The flats would be built to the same standard as others that had won design awards.


In response to Members comments and questions, the following issues were discussed:


·  The potential to have a condition not to let to students was felt too difficult to enforce.  It would also prohibit the letting to mature students who would be regarded as more suitable occupants for the properties.

·  Concern regarding the lack of consultation on this and previous applications – it was reported that there had been dialogue with South Headingley Community Association.

·  A previous planning permission had specified there to be no more than 26 bed spaces.  Should this application be approved it would bring the total bed spaces to 30 and this application would supersede the previous permission.

·  There had been no objections from highways.  The proposals would not increase traffic compared to the permitted use of the social club.

·  Concerns were expressed regarding the current situation with car parking in Ash Grove and the impact the proposals would have on parking.  It was reported that the number of spaces provided in the plans would be above street design standards.

·  The applicant reported that the flats would only be let to people over the age of 21 and the he would be willing to accept this as a condition of planning permission.

·  Further concern regarding the disturbance to residents, lack of proper consultation with residents and the balance of student and family accommodation.


RESOLVED – That planning permission be granted as per the conditions outlined in the report and an additional condition to ensure the development is occupied by persons over the age of 21 years only.


Supporting documents: