Agenda item

"Tantric Blue" - Application for the Grant of a Premises Licence for Tantric Blue, 68-72 New Briggate, Leeds LS1 6NU

To consider the report of the Head of Licensing and Registration on an application for the grant of a premises licence in respect of premises known as “Tantric Blue”, located at 68-72 New Briggate. Leeds LS1 6NU


(Report attached)


David Hercock acting for the applicants of Tantric Blue had asked that a letter be tabled at the hearing requesting an adjournment.


It was noted that in addition to the Licensing Act 2003 application before the sub-committee there was also a pending application for a sexual entertainment venue licence. The planning service of the council had made an objection to the 2003 Act licence and the sexual entertainment venue licence application. The sex establishment application had not been listed pending the determination of a change of use application by planning. The applicant wished the 2003 Act application to be adjourned and listed with the sexual entertainment venue application.


It was noted that planning services were unable to provide a firm date when the planning issues would be resolved and that the current sexual entertainment venue licence would expire by October.


RESOLVED - The committee agreed with the submissions of the parties, that it was in the public interest to adjourn the matter and to list the 2003 Act application and the sexual entertainment venue application on the same date.


Hearing adjourned to 5th August 2013.


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