Agenda item

Late Night Levy

To consider the report of the Head of Licensing and Registration on the Late Night Levy, a power conferred on licensing authorities under the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011; and presenting information to enable the Licensing Committee to make decisions relating to the design of a potential late night levy.

Please Note: Appendix 1 has been designated as exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4 (3, 7)


The Head of Licensing and Registration submitted a report on the Late Night Levy, introduced in the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 to allow licensing authorities to charge a Levy to persons who are licensed to sell alcohol late at night in the authority’s area as a means of raising financial contribution towards the costs of policing the late-night economy. The report presented information to enable the Licensing Committee to make decisions relating to the design of a potential late night Levy.


The Committee had previously established a Working Group (WG) to consider the current Statement of Licensing Policy and the implementation of a Late Night Levy. The findings of the WG were included in the report, which concluded that, subject to reaching agreement with West Yorkshire Police on how the money raised would be spent on improving the late night economy in the Leeds district, a Levy could be of benefit to Leeds and the design of such a Levy should be explored further


Chief Inspector S Palmer and Sergeant R Fullilove attended the meeting on behalf of West Yorkshire Police to discuss those matters contained within Appendix 1 of the report.


(Councillor Khan withdrew for a short while at this point and Councillor Gettings left the meeting)


Additionally, the Committee commented on the following matters:

·  The conclusion of the WG that 00:30 until 06:00 hours would be the appropriate time-frame for a Levy in Leeds

·  The good working relationships already established between WYP and city centre licensed premises and the impact of a Levy on existing voluntary schemes supported by those premises (such as the taxi marshalling and street wardens schemes)

·  the governance arrangements for the implementation of the Late Night Levy, particularly the mechanism for overseeing the spending of the Levy


a)  That the Licensing Committee note and approve the conclusion of the Working Group that a Levy may be of benefit to the district and should be considered further

b)  That the information presented in the submitted report and the comments made by Members be noted in respect of the potential design for a Levy which would include:

  · The late night supply period

  · Exemptions and reductions to be offered

  · The proportion to be offered to the Police

c)  To note that, having considered the two options put forward by the Working Group, the Licensing Committee preferred Option B as outlined in paragraph 3:36 of the submitted report

d)  That the matter now be referred to the Executive so that the design of and consultation on the Levy can be approved and that the consultation with affected parties may begin.

e)  To note that a final decision on whether to implement the Levy, the design of the Levy and the start date for implementation will be made after the conclusion of the consultation; having regard to the costs of policing and other arrangements for the reduction or prevention of crime and disorder in connection with the supply of alcohol between midnight and 6am.

f)  To receive a report back in due course on the outcome of discussions regarding the governance arrangements for the implementation of the Late Night Levy, particularly the mechanism for overseeing the spending of the Levy

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