Agenda item

Application 13/00626/FU - Detached drive-through restaurant at Cardigan Fields, Burley, Leeds, LS5

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for a detached drive through restaurant


  Plans, photographs and drawings were displayed at the meeting.  A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day

  Officers presented a report seeking approval of an application for a detached drive-through restaurant at Cardigan Fields Leisure Park, Kirkstall Road LS5

  Members were informed that the site was currently used as an overspill car park although the extent of its use was disputed by the applicant and some of the objectors.  The site was also in a Zone 3 flood risk area and that the applicant’s flood risk assessment had been accepted by the Council and the Environment Agency

  The building would be of a modern design using glazing and cladding

  Objections to the proposals had been received including one from a local Ward Member who had raised particular concerns about the proliferation of fast food outlets in the area and the impact of these on obesity levels

  The Panel was informed that the Department of Public Health had been consulted on the proposal but had stated there was not sufficient medical evidence to establish a causal link between fast food outlets and obesity.  Members were informed therefore that this could be difficult to substantiate as a reason for refusal of the application

  The Panel heard representations from the applicant’s agent and an objector who attended the meeting

  Members commented on the following matters:

·  local employment

·  the need for best endeavours to be used to provide jobs for local people

·  car parking; how well used this site was for parking; that there was currently a barrier across the parking area and that additional parking might be needed with the introduction of a new restaurant offer on the site.  On this matter, the Panel’s Highways representative stated that from the information which had been submitted with the application and local knowledge, whilst parking in the wider development was often extensive, this overspill car park was not required.  In terms of the proposed new use, as this complemented existing uses on the site it would not necessarily generate many new visitors.  In the event that additional car parking was required, the applicant had indicated that a fan-shaped area of land could be opened up for parking for approximately 30 cars

·  concerns about the cumulative impact of fast food outlets on public health, with a suggestion being made that Scrutiny Board Health and Wellbeing and Adult Social Care be asked to look at this aspect and the public health element of planning.  The Head of Planning Services advised that work was being carried out on this matter as part of the Core Strategy, although there were mixed messages on this as the Government would allow in some cases, premises to change their use to a restaurant for two years under Permitted Development

·  landscaping; the need for an acceptable scheme to be submitted which also increased planting on the northern frontage of the site

The Panel considered how to proceed

RESOLVED -  To approve the application in principle and to defer and

delegate approval to the Chief Planning Officer subject to the conditions set out in the submitted report, a further condition encouraging use of local employment and discussions to achieve further mature planting on the northern frontage of the site



Supporting documents: