To receive a report of the Area Leader – South East Leeds which brings Members’ attention in a succinct fashion, details of the range of activities with which the Area Support Team are engaged in based on the Area Committee Business Plan priorities, that are not addressed in greater detail elsewhere on this agenda. It provides opportunities for further questioning or the opportunity to request a more detailed report on a particular issue.
The Acting Area Officer (Citizens and Communities) presented a report of the Area Leader – South East Leeds which detailed a range of activities taking place within the Inner South Leeds Area.
Members gave updates on their theme areas including the following:
• Children and Young People Sub Group;
• Health and Well Being;
• Environmental Sub Group.
Employment and Skills update was provided by the Acting Area Officer.
The secretary of Beeston Festival provided an update on the success of the Beeston Festival which was held on Saturday 8th June 2013. The Committee were informed that around 5,000 people attended and that 60 people volunteered working a total of 300 hours for free. The secretary wished to put on record his gratitude for the help of volunteers and the support of the South Inner Area Committee.
RESOLVED – The Committee resolved to:
(a) Note the contents of the report;
(b) Agree the proposed model for delivering a programme of activities for children and young people 2013/14 as attached at Appendix 2b to the submitted report;
(c) Agree that funding be provided for after school activities and the February 2014 half term; and
(d) Agree that projects be progressed outside of the Area Committee following consultation with Members.
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