Agenda item

Wellbeing Fund Update and Quarter 2 Monitoring Report

To receive the report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Citizens and Communities) the report provides Members with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund for 2013/14 and includes the Quarter 2 monitoring returns for projects funded in 2013/14. The report highlights the current position of the small skips pots and those grants and skips that have been received/ approved since the last meeting. An update on the Youth Activity Fund is also provided.


(Report attached)


The Area Committee received the report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Citizens and Communities) which provided an update on the budget position for the wellbeing fund for 2013/14.


Members’ attention was drawn to table 1 of the report which outlined the small grant applications that had been approved since the last meeting. The committee were informed that £746 was still available for allocation for small grants and skips in the 2013/14 budget.


Members were informed that the audit process had been completed and the revised figure for the Capital budget was £56,974.


Supplementary information had been tabled at the meeting to provide Members with a position statement on the Millennium Way project after costs.


A member of BARCA and a member of Better Leeds Communities (BLC) attended the meeting to update the Committee on the recruitment of a Community Development Worker for the area. The Area Committee had agreed to jointly fund with the Inner North West Area Committee.


The Area Committee was told of the difficulties in recruiting to the post for the Outer West Area. BARCA and BLC explained to Members a revised proposal for their consideration.


Discussions took place in regard to the issues raised by BARCA and BLC in allocating a Community Development Worker within the conditions outlined in the application. Members raised concerns in relation to the revised proposal, and emphasised that all such procedures need to be in line with all relevant regulations.


The Area Committee heard applications for funding from the following organisations;-

·  Farsley Live at Home Scheme

·  LCC Parks and Countryside – Millennium Way

·  Armley Juniors Project 4 Young People

·  Swinnow Community Centre

·  Pudsey Congs Cricket Club

·  Pudsey St Lawrence Cricket Club

·  Leeds City Council – New Wortley Recreation Grounds


The Area Committee and Area Support Officers discussed closer working arrangements on putting together future applications to ensure that all relevant information was included within the application for Members consideration. Members also discussed time limits for spend to be attached to applications.


Supplementary information tabled at the meeting provided an update for Members on the Youth Activities Fund. Members raised a number of concerns in relation to the Youth Activities Fund including;-

·  Engagement activity undertaken in the previous year

·  Working arrangements within the Clusters


RESOLVED – That the Area Committee;


a)  Note the current budget position for the Wellbeing Fund for 2013/14 (Appendix 1 of the submitted report)

b)  Note the current position of the small grants and skips and those small grants and skips that have been approved / received since the last meeting (Table 1 and 2 of the submitted report)

c)  Note the revised position of the Capital grants budget (Table 3) and considered the large capital grant applications received

d)  That the following decisions be taken in respect of Wellbeing applications received

Project Name

Organisation / Department

Amount Requested

Approved / Not Approved

Time Limit applied

Office Refurbishment

Farsley Live at Home Scheme





Calverley Millennium Way

LCC Parks & Countryside




6 Months

Armley Juniors Shutters

Armley Juniors Project 4 Young People






Approved in principle – Negotiation to take place with Asset Management


Swinnow Community Centre Fencing

Swinnow Community Centre





Replacement of Ground Scoreboard

Pudsey Congs Gricket Club





Cricket Practice Facilities and Maintenance Equipment

Pudsey St Lawrence Cricket Club





New Wortley Recreation Ground Changing Room Security Provision

Leeds City Council




3 Months

New Wortley Recreation Ground Changing Room Security Provision – Monitoring Costs(Intruder Alarm)

Leeds City Council







e) Note the current position of the Youth Activity Fund;

d.1)  agreed that the Chair and Vice Chair authorise the Chief Officer, Citizens and Communities to take a delegated decision in relation to commissioning projects for the remainder of the Youth Activities Fund budget.

d.2) receive a draft consultation framework for the Youth Activities Fund at the March meeting to enable Members to allocate the budget in 2014/15 financial year. 

f) Note the content of the Quarter 2 monitoring returns for projects funded in 2013/14 (Appendix 2)

g)  That funding for the Community Development project, be withdrawn


That a small grant of £500 towards the printing of leaflets promoting the Calverley Millennium Way, be approved


Cllr. Wood left the room at 15:45 follow this item returning at 15:47

Cllr. D Blackburn left the room at 15:47 following this item returning at 15:49




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