Agenda item

Application 13/03007/FU - Land and premises opposite to 60 to 68 Half Mile Lane, Stanningley, Pudsey

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Offcier regarding an application for a residential development for 6 pairs of semi-detached two storey dwellings (12 new dwellings in total)


The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for a residential development for 6 pairs of semi-detached two storey dwellings (12 in total) at land and premises opposite 60 to 68 Half Mile Lane, Stanningley, Pudsey.


Members attended a site visit prior to the Panel meeting and site photographs and plans were displayed.


Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


·  Access to and from the site – access to 10 properties would be gained via Half Mile Lane, with the others from Half Mile.

·  Parking restrictions.

·  This was a revised application – the original did not receive highways approval.

·  Members were shown photo montages of what the site would look like when developed.

·  It was proposed that the perimeter wall be demolished and rebuilt to improve visibility splays.  This would be subject to the necessary standards, conditions and a risk assessment.

·  Reference to public consultation and meetings with local residents – concern was expressed that local facilities could not sustain further development and an application with fewer units would be preferable.

·  Further conditions to the application to include bat mitigation and submission of a risk assessment for the wall on Half Mile Lane.


A local resident addressed the Panel with concerns regarding the application.  These included the following:


·  The field that was to be used for the proposed development was previously maintained by local residents.  Access to do this had now been prevented.  It was felt that there would be a loss of amenity to local residents and the land could be used for allotments.

·  The land supported wildlife including bats, foxes and squirrels and the application should be deferred until a full conservation study had been carried out.

·  The development would be out of character with the area.

·  Access arrangements would both be on blind bends where residents parked.

·  There had been no traffic survey done on Half Mile – reference was made to a recent traffic accident.

·  It was felt if any proposals were to go ahead it should be a maximum of 8 units and that these should be stone built to keep within the character of the area.

·  In response to comments from the Panel, the following was discussed:

o  There were difficulties on the road when there was ice and snow and the street was not gritted.

o  The field was previously used to keep horses and poultry and regularly used by local residents.

o  An approach had been made to the Calverly Allotment Society about the potential use of the land for allotments.  This would also involve a local school.

o  Resident’s access to the land was prevented following an earlier application to develop in 2006.

o  The landowner had told a local resident the land was not for sale.


The applicants agent addressed the Panel.  The following was raised:


·  There had been thorough consultation with planning and highways to get the application to this stage.

·  The applicant was comfortable with the two additional conditions to the application and endorsed the officer recommendation.

·  Access to the site was safe.

·  There was a commitment to rebuild the wall.


In response to comments and questions, the following was discussed:


·  There was a public right of way footpath along one side of the site.  This was not owned or maintained by the Council.  It was not in the ownership of the applicant and would not therefore be reasonable to have conditions applied to it.

·  Costs for damage to the wall following the recent accident would be recouped through the motorists insurance.

·  There would not be an affordable housing contribution as the proposals did not meet the necessary criteria.

·  Concerns regarding Half Mile being used as a rat run – it was reported that the retaining wall would be set back to improve visibility and there were no highways concerns.

·  The application would trigger a greenspace contribution that would go into the pot for the area.

·  There would be further consultation with Ward Members.

·  Since previous refusal for development at the site there had been changes to planning policy and guidance.


RESOLVED – That the application be determined as per the officer recommendation with additional conditions regarding:

·  Bat mitigation

·  Submission of risk assessment for wall on Half Mile Lane


Supporting documents: