Agenda item

Better Care Fund - Approval of the Draft Submission

To receive and consider the attached report of Deputy Director Commissioning (ASC) & Chief Operating Officer (S&E CCG)



The joint report of the Deputy Director Commissioning (ASC) and Chief Operating Officer (S&E CCG) provided an update on progress since the high level summary of the Better Care Fund (BCF) was reviewed by the Board on 29 January, ahead of sign off of the first draft for submission on 14 February.


Members’ attention was brought to the BCF planning template and scemes for pump priming funding into over the following year.  It was reported that a final submission would be submitted in April and between now and then, there would be further engagement and analysis on the economic impact and performance.  Further issues highlighted included the following:


·  The template had been redesigned to align with other documentation.

·  Pioneer programme and how to use this with the BCF.

·  The need to discuss any gaps and next steps before final submission in April 2014 – this also coincided with the submission opf the CCG plans.

·  There had been a lot of work to get the template to its current position and it was recognised there was substantially more work to be done, particularly the detail behind the figures involved.


In response to Members comments and questions, the following was discussed:


·  The final submission would have extended information on performance and the return on investment.

·  Role of the pioneer programme and use of external expertise in developing financial models.

·  Due to the timescale the final submission needed to reflect the lack of opportunity of public engagement.

·  Budgets would be split to organisations based on their population size.

·  Concern regarding the terminology and use of acronyms which were not clearly communicated for lay people or the public.  Health watch offered to assist.

·  Development of a 5 year strategy alongside the BCF.

·  Timescales for the final submission were discussed and it was proposed to hold an additional meeting nearer to the time of the submission.


The Chair thanked all those involved for the preparation of the first draft of the Better Care Fund plan.




(1)  That the progress to date to meet the requirements of the Better Care Fund and that there will be further scope for refinement beyond 14 February 2014 be noted.

(2)   That the first draft of the BCF template 9narrative template, metric template and locally developed supplementary information which set out the BCF schemes in more detail) be signed off.

(3)  That it be noted that the Health and Wellbeing Board will be required to sign off the final version before submission to NHS England on 4 April 2014 and agree what process this will take.

(4)  That it be noted that the BCF is a part of wider plans in the city to achieve a high quality and sustainable health and care system and to spend the ‘Leeds £’ wisely.


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