Agenda item

Preapp/14/00015 - Pre-application presentation for the demolition of a number of existing buildings to allow for the temporary reconfiguration of and addition to the existing car parking (increase in spaces from 542 to 824) and associated hard landscaping - Victoria Gate - Phase 2 Car Park - Land bounded by Vicar Lane, Lady Lane, Templar Place and the Inner Ring Road LS2

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer and to receive a presentation on pre-application proposals for the demolition of a number of existing buildings to allow for the temporary reconfiguration of and addition to the existing car parking (an increase in car parking spaces from 542 to 824) and associated landscaping


This is a pre-application presentation and no formal decision on the development will be taken, however it is an opportunity for Panel Members to ask questions, raise issues, seek clarification and comment on the proposals at this stage. A ward member or a nominated community representative has a maximum of 15 minutes to present their comments


(report attached)




  Plans, photographs and graphics were displayed at the meeting.  A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day

  Members considered a report of the Chief Planning Officer outlining proposals for the temporary reconfiguration of existing off-street car parking and the addition of 281 additional off-street car parking spaces and landscaping on the phase 2 section of the Victoria Gate site.  Members also received a presentation on the proposals on behalf of the applicant

  The following information was provided:

·  the proposals were for a temporary scheme for an estimated period of up to 5 years to maximise the use of existing off-street car parking; provide further parking for shoppers and visitors and to replace public parking from the Union Street car park which would be lost when building works for phase 1 of Victoria Gate commenced in April 2014

·  there was a need for high quality car parking in Leeds and this had been identified as an issue which prevented people from visiting the city

·  there was the opportunity to improve a part of the city which was in poor repair and although the works were temporary, they would be of high quality and would improve the feeling of safety in this area

·  that several buildings would need to be demolished although approval for these demolitions had been granted as part of the outline approval for Victoria Gate

·  a pedestrian spine, using resin bound gravel and bounded by trees and lighting columns would be created from the market to Templar Street.  A green buffer, 4 metres wide, with nooks for seating would be provided at Vicar Lane.  To create this effect semi-mature trees would be used.  Gateway spaces (foyers) would also be provided around the site on key pedestrian desire lines to the surrounding area.  Pay machines would be located at the foyers

·  in terms of car parking surfacing treatments, various options were being considered including a cellular system

Members discussed the proposals and commented on the following


·  the timescale for the temporary scheme, with the hope that within 5 years phase 2 of the permanent Victoria Gate development scheme would be progressing

·  there were no guarantees that if approved, the applicant would not then sell the site

·  the extent of the demolition works to be undertaken

·  whether the proposals could lead to flooding of the nearby beck

·  whether parent and child parking spaces would be provided

·  the price rates for parking

·  the maintenance of the landscaping

·  the width of the car parking bays and the need to ensure these could accommodate larger vehicles and 4x4s

·  security issues, particularly on an evening; that people currently loitered in the car park and the need for this to be addressed so as not to deter its use

·  how long stay parking would be discouraged

·  Templar House; the need for a vision to be provided for this Grade 2 Listed Building; that the condition of the building had been left to deteriorate and that the building should be repaired

·  the need for the North Bar Stone on the site to be practically protected, carefully removed and safely stored

·  the future of Lyons Works; that a finely balanced decision had been reached regarding its loss on the original outline approval in view of the greater good which would be achieved from that scheme, with concerns being raised that the demolition of the building to make way for a City Centre car park for possibly up to 5 years was not acceptable

·  the loss of the Bus Station, with mixed views on the worthiness of retaining this example of post-war architecture

·  that the buildings attached to the Templar Pub should be demolished

·  the size of the car park, with concerns that due to its scale and the possible length of time it would be in operation that Vicar Lane would cease to exist as an area of character within the City Centre

·  the positive signs for the first phase with work close to commencing and the need for a period of up to 5 years for additional parking when the multi-storey car park for John Lewis would be completed in Autumn 2016

·  the need for Members to understand the timescales for phase 2 of Victoria Gate and that from the information provided, there was no sense that phase 2 would move along quicker if these proposals were agreed to

The Chief Planning Officer stressed the importance of achieving a

successful regeneration of this part of the City Centre.  In terms of context, Members were informed that more retail development was taking place in Leeds than in any other city, yet despite the gradual regeneration of The Grand Arcade, this part of the City Centre was vulnerable.  It was important for the theatres to thrive and for phase 1 of Victoria Gate to take off and it was not unreasonable for there to be some uncertainty

  In terms of Lyons Works, the building was exempt from listing and could be demolished immediately, however the Chief Planning Officer was of the view that the comments made by Members would be taken back to the applicant for consideration.  The need for assurances on the future of Templar House was stressed

  In response to the specific points raised in the report, the following comments were provided: 

·  regarding the justification for the demolition of Lyons Works, the former West Yorkshire Bus Station and the other named buildings, there was majority support for the demolition of the Bus Station and complete support for the demolition of the other named buildings on Vicar Lane.  Regarding Lyons Works, it was noted that permission to demolish this building had been granted as part of a different scheme and that in the circumstances where the original permission was not proceeding, that consideration be given to requesting the retention and re-use of Lyons Works without the modern extension

·  on the issue of the use of the space as a car park, this could be accepted if the period of time for this use did not exceed 5 years, with the provision of a temporary car park to a higher standard being welcomed

·  on the reconfigured and additional short stay car parking numbers and the required Stopping Up, these matters were acceptable as were the associated loss of on-street short stay car parking and the proposal for there to be financial compensation

·  that the landscaping proposals were progressing positively; that a high quality scheme was expected and for the landscape treatment to the Vicar Lane edges, in particular, to adequately maintain the sense of enclosure of the street, preserve the character of nearby designated and on-designated heritage assets and add positively to views along Vicar Lane on a temporary basis

Members also highlighted the need for the safe removal and

retention of the North Bar stone to be tied down and for  urgent repair works to be undertaken to Templar House.  On this matter, the Chief Planning Officer proposed a site visit with Officers and the applicant to also view the interior of Templar House

  RESOLVED -  To note the report, the presentation and the comments now made



Supporting documents: