Agenda item

Wellbeing Fund Report

To receive the report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Citizens & Communities) the report provides Members with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund for 2013/14.The report highlights the current position of the small grants and skips and those grants and skips that have been received or approved since the last meeting. It also provides an update on the Youth Activity Fund.


The report informs Members of the Wellbeing Revenue Budget available for allocation in 2014/15 and projects for consideration and approval from the Wellbeing Revenue Budget allocation for 2014/15.


The report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Citizens and Communities) provided the Area Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund 2013/14 and the current position of the Small Grants and skips that have been received or approved since the last meeting. The report also provided Members with an update on projects for consideration and approval from the Wellbeing Revenue Budget allocation for 2014/15. Supplementary information had been tabled for Members consideration. Minute 66 refers


Members discussed funding issues in relation to;

·  Calverley, Farsley and Pudsey in Bloom,

·  Leeds Watch CCTV costs,

·  Christmas Lights for Calverley, Farsley and Pudsey.


Co-optee Rev. Ayres arrived at 13:43 during this item


A number of Project organisers had been invited to attend the Committee to inform members on the work that the organisations do and how they would look to spend funds provided by the Wellbeing Fund 2014/15.


Presentations were heard from;

·  Cow Close Community Corner

·  The Area Community Safety Co-ordinator and Inspector Steve Williamson regarding the Target Hardening (CASAC)  and burlary and Number Plate Theft initiative projects

·  Pudsey Wellbeing Centre

·  Ahead Partnership


Cllrs Jarosz and Wood declared an interest in Pudsey Wellbeing Centre as Members of the Board and also Cllr Jarosz’ husband volunteers at the centre. Minute 67 refers


Members discussed the merits of each project and sought clarification on specific issues from the presenters.


Cllr Hardy left the meeting at 13:52 during this item.


The Committee also considered the following applications for Youth Activity Fund 2013/14:


Project Name


Amount requested

Creative Writing through Illustration

Pudsey Cluster


Jamie Jones Buchanan (JJB) Camp

Pudsey Cluster


Multi Sports Camp

Pudsey Cluster


Holiday Youth Activities

Armley Juniors project 4 young people



Members were reminded that the application for Jamie Jones Buchan (JJB) Camp had been agreed to be taken by delegated decision at the meeting held no 29th January 2014 due to limited timescales.


The Committee also considered the following applications for Youth Activity Fund 2014/15:

Project Name


Amount requested

Breeze Friday Night Project

LCC Breeze Team


Multi-Sport Holiday Camp


Sports Development


The Works – Sunshine indoors


Sports Development




RESOLVED – The Area Committee resolved the following:-


·  That the Calverley, Farsley and Pudsey in bloom to retain the amount received last year.

·  Approved the estimated £30,000 for Leeds Watch CCTV Maintenance and Monitoring.

·  Community Development project to be deferred for discussion at a later date




Amount Requested

Amount Approved


Christmas Lights

Leeds Lights /  Events




Christmas Lights

Leeds Lights / Events




Christmas Lights

Project 2000 / Leeds Lights



Cow Close Community Corner

Armley Juniors



Target Hardening (CASAC)




Burglary and Number Plate Theft Initiative

West Yorkshire Police



Pudsey Wellbeing Centre

Love Pudsey



Business Support Local – phase 2

Ahead Partnership




Youth Activity Fund 2013/14

Project Name


Amount requested

Amount Approved

Creative Writing through Illustration

Pudsey Cluster



Jamie Jones Buchanan (JJB) Camp

Pudsey Cluster



Multi Sports Camp

Pudsey Cluster



Holiday Youth Activities

Armley Juniors project 4 young people




Youth Activity Fund 2014/15

Project Name


Amount requested

Amount Approved

Breeze Friday Night Project

LCC Breeze Team



Multi-Sport Holiday Camp


Sports Development



The Works – Sunshine indoors


Sports Development





Supporting documents: