To receive the report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Citizens and Communities) this report provides Members with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund for 2014/15. The report highlights the current position of the Small Grants and Skips and those grants and skips that have been received or approved since the last meeting. It also provides an update on the Youth Activities Fund.
The submitted report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Citizens and Communities) provided members with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund for 2014/15. The report provided the current position of the Small Grants and skips and those Small Grants and skips that had been received or approved since the last meeting.
An update was also provided for the Youth Activity Fund and those projects seeking support through this ring-fenced allocation.
Members attention was drawn to Appendix 1 of the submitted report which informed members of the current budget position for Wellbeing projects showing the amount approved by the Area Committee and the value of the funds spent to date. The Wellbeing Budget statement also outlined the current budget position of those projects funded in previous years which still have funding left to spend. Projects received by the area committee are listed in Table 1 below.
In relation to Appendix 5 Committee Members discussed the project in detail with one Member of the committee suggesting that the application should be rejected as the project should be funded by Housing Leeds.
Appendix 6 was discussed by Members at length and they were of the view that the project would not benefit the children within the community as a whole and the show was to be held at a theatre outside the area.
Cllr. Marjoram left the meeting at 13:55. *
On Cllr. Marjoram’s departure, the Community Committee became inquorate, therefore the committee was unable to make any formal decisions for the remainder of the meeting. It was noted that Cllr Marjoram had indicated prior to leaving the committee that he wished to support the last two wellbeing applications entitled Farnley Cluster Summer Fun Day and Outer West Cluster / Breeze, three mini Breeze Sessions in all Outer West wards.
RESOLVED – That the Committee:
· Note the current budget position for the Wellbeing Fund 2014/15;
· Note the current position of the Small Grants and skips budget and those Small grants and skips that have been approved since the last meeting;
· Note the budget position of the Capital Grants budget and those capital grants received: Note the current position of the Youth Activity Fund;
Table 1: Determined projects seeking funding as follows;
Project Name |
Organisation/ Department |
Amount Requested |
Approved/Rejected/ Recommended |
Training Safety Equipment for juniors and adults
Bramley Buffaloes Rugby League Club |
£500 |
Approved |
Leeds Esprit Volunteer Continuing Professional |
Leeds Esprit Gymnastics Club |
£300 |
Approved |
Bowling Shelters |
Farsley Cricket Bowling Club |
£500 |
Approved |
Provision of Car Parking Spaces 40-45 New Street Grove LS28 8EZ |
Housing Leeds Pudsey Area Housing Office |
£4,650 |
Approved |
Resources to encourage local enterprise amongst youngsters |
Wysoczanski Academy School of Performance |
£1,000 |
Rejected |
Summer Fun Day |
Farnley Cluster |
£2,781 |
Recommended approval * |
Three Mini Breeze Sessions in all Outer West Wards |
Outer West Cluster / Breeze |
£11,250 (£3,750 for each ward) |
Recommended approval* |
(*Recommended approval – due to the meeting being inquorate at this point)
Supporting documents: