Agenda item

Leeds City Centre Business Improvement District

To consider the report of the Director of City Development providing an update on the progress which has been made in the development of the Leeds City Centre Business Improvement District (BID) proposals since the last report was submitted to Executive Board in April of this year. 




Further to Minute No. 226, 2nd April 2014, the Director of City Development submitted a report providing an update on the progress which had been made in the development of the Leeds City Centre Business Improvement District (BID) proposals.


Members welcomed the proposals detailed within the submitted report and emphasised that the establishment of such a BID was crucial to the continued success of the Leeds city centre. The Board also discussed the role of smaller businesses in respect of the BID, and highlighted the contribution made by such businesses in ensuring that the city centre successfully provided an attractive and wide ranging retail offer.


The Board also considered the potential role that the BID could play in contributing towards future city centre events, and highlighted the importance of the Baseline Services Agreement in providing clarity around the role of the Council and other relevant parties.



(a)  That the BID4Leeds proposals to achieve a step change in the ability of

Leeds to improve and promote its city centre as successful business

location, as a place to study, a source of jobs growth, and as a leading

retail, leisure, cultural, and visitor destination, be supported;


(b)  That confirmation of the Council’s position be agreed in that, as a potential levy payer in respect to properties it occupies within the BID area, it will vote in favour of the BID, and that the vote on this matter be delegated to the Director of City Development;


(c)  That confirmation be given that the Council is satisfied that the BID4Leeds proposals do not conflict with any existing Council Policy and the proposed BID boundary has not been manipulated inappropriately;


(d)  That confirmation be given that the Council is satisfied that the submission of the draft BID proposal (set out mainly in the BID4Leeds Business Plan) includes: the proposed aims and projects; details of the consultation undertaken; a notice in writing confirming the intention to go to ballot; demonstrates finances available to cover the cost of the ballot in the event that it fails or fails to reach 20% turnout; and delegates approval of the final business plan and boundary to the Director of City Development in consultation with the Executive Member for Transport and the Economy;


(e)  That confirmation be given that the Council is satisfied that the final proposals include all of the details stated within Schedule 1 of the BID Regulations;


(f)  That a commitment be given to maintain the provision of quality services in the BID area, and that approval be given to the Baseline Services Agreement, setting out the services that the Council is legally bound to continue to fund or provide for the duration of the BID;


(g)  That approval be given to the arrangements set out in the Operating Agreement for the Council to manage the collection and enforcement of BID levy charges and to charge a reasonable fee for this service;


(h)  That the arrangements for the Council to operate the ballot be approved;


(i)  That approval be given to provide the relevant rating list data pursuant with the boundary proposed from the BID Proposer at the outset of the process, and that in due course an updated version be provided for the purposes of the electoral register;


(j)  That the stages and timescales required to implement the decisions as outlined within the above resolutions be noted together with the fact that the Chief Economic Development Officer will be responsible for such implementation.

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