Agenda item


To consider the report of the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing providing the Scrutiny Board with a final report on progress with the regeneration of Beeston Hill and Holbeck.


(Report attached.)


The Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing submitted a report updating Members on the progress of the Inquiry into Regeneration in Beeston Hill and Holbeck, focussing particularly on the role of the private rented and development sectors. In relation to this issue, Mr Frantzis, a private landlord who owned a substantial number of properties in the Beeston Hill area, was invited to the meeting to give his views on progress being made in the regeneration of the area. 


The following Officers attended the meeting:

Neil Evans, Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing;

John Bracewell, Neighbourhood Renewal Manager;

Chris Kwasniewski, Regeneration Project Manager;

Mark Ireland, Environmental Health Service Manager.


Members were given a brief update on the PFI bid in relation to regeneration in the area, which had been submitted to the Secretary of State in early 2006. Officers confirmed that the Government had announced that the bid had been unsuccessful just prior to the Christmas period. However, it was reported that the Authority had been placed on a reserve list to be considered as a priority for any future monies and also allocated a case officer to assist with this. Whilst disappointed to have missed out on the first round of funding, Members expressed satisfaction at the positive feedback received from the Government on the bid and the fact that discussions were ongoing with a view to securing funding in the next round, expected to be around July 2007. 


The Chair then invited Mr Frantzis to address the meeting to give his view on the progress made in regenerating the area from the perspective as a private landlord. Members heard that Mr Frantzis had moved into the area in the mid 1980’s when the area was in decline, however in the past few years he had noticed improvements in the area and made the following points:


-  The feeling that progress in the area had been made by the efforts of both the Council and private landlords;

-  The view that the population in the area was becoming less transient and the stabilising effect of this;

-  The need to tackle empty properties and absentee landlords as a matter of urgency, as empty, run-down dwellings had a negative affect on the community as a whole;

-  The noticeable improvement in some shop frontage standards, particularly where new businesses were emerging, and the impact this had upon the area.


Members noted the points made by Mr Frantzis and thanked him for his attendance at the meeting. The Board then went on to discuss issues arising from the report with Officers, where the following points were made:


-  The need to target empty properties and encourage them back into use, despite the difficulties inherent in making a compulsory purchase;

-  The benefits of encouraging smaller landlords with only one or two properties to join accreditation schemes as a part of the regeneration process;

-  Whether street-cleansing in the area could be increased to add further impetus to the regeneration scheme and confidence of the local community;

-  The future of several derelict sites in the area and moves to secure a housing development on the former Matthew Murray site;

-  The news that money had been secured to improve shop frontages along the main Dewsbury Road, whilst investigation was ongoing as to whether traffic could be diverted away from this main route to make the area more attractive for local shoppers.


The Chair thanked Officers for their attendance at the meeting and contribution to the discussion. It was suggested by the Chair that the Board attend one of the area’s community forums as part of the investigation to allow them to meet residents and assess the impact of the regeneration scheme upon local people.



a.)  That the contents of the report in relation to the role of the private rented sector in Beeston Hill and Holbeck be noted;

b.)  That the views and comments of Mr Frantzis, a private landlord in the area, be noted;

c.)  That the contents of the report in relation to the role of private developers and complementary improvements to service delivery and environmental factors be noted;

d.)  That a final report is drawn up to summarise the main conclusions from the scrutiny of the regeneration in Beeston Hill and Holbeck and to make any appropriate recommendations.


(Councillor Finnigan joined the meeting at 11:05 am during consideration of this item.)

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