Agenda item

Application14/05794/RM - Victoria Road, Headingley

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for a reserved matters application for residential development of 24 dwellings, layout of access roads and associated work.


The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented a Reserved Matters application for residential development of 24 dwellings, layout of access roads and associated works at Victoria Road, Headingley.


Site plans and photographs were displayed at the meeting and referred to throughout the discussion on this application.


Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


·  This application just referred appearance, scale, layout and landscaping to the housing element of the site and not the retail proposal.

·  The site fell within a predominantly residential area with high density housing.

·  Part if the site fell within the Headingley Conservation Area.

·  It was proposed to have 24 terraced houses which would be situated in six blocks of four.  Twelve would be three bedroom properties and twelve would be four bedroom.

·  All properties would have two off street parking spaces and there would be additional cycle and bin storage areas.

·  Public open space at the site would be in excess of minimum requirements.

·  The scale and design of the proposals met with guidelines in the Neighbourhood Design Statement and were sympathetic to the conservation area and nearby listed buildings.

·  Reference was made to representations received from Ward Councillors, local residents and the South Headingley Community Association.

·  There would be an additional condition to the application to address off site highways works.


A member of the South Headingley Community Association addressed the Panel with concerns regarding the application. These included the following:


·  Concern that the opportunity for new sports facilities had been lost and a reduction in public open space.

·  Increase in the number of bedrooms overall on the development and potential for the properties to be used as Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) and not family homes.

·  A lack of affordable housing.

·  Further to Members questions, the following was discussed:

o  Concern regarding a demographic imbalance in the area – the sites was surrounded by HMOs and it was felt that the proposed properties with double bedrooms could be used as HMOs.  It was reported that the proposed properties would be Class C3 and not open to be used as HMOs.


The applicants’ representative addressed the meeting.  The following was raised:

·  There had been ongoing discussions regarding the application that had led to slight amendments.

·  There had not been any concern regarding the design of the proposals.

·  Tha applicant was a housebuilder and the proposals had not been designed for HMOs or student accommodation.

·  Families would be the target market for the properties.


Further to Members comments and questions, the following was discussed:


·  Measures to keep the properties as Class C3 including restrictions to prevent properties being extended and other rooms within properties being converted to bedrooms.

·  Affordable housing contribution – this would be used to purchase vacant properties in the area to be used for family housing.

·  Planing permission would be needed to change the use of the properties.

·  The proposals met Neighbourhoods for Living guidelines.


RESOLVED – That the application be approved as per the officer recommendation and conditions outlined in the report and with an additional condition to clarify off site highways works in relation to a pedestrian crossing.


Supporting documents: