To receive the report of Area Leader, West North West the purpose of this report is to update Members on the projects funded through the Inner West Wellbeing Fund and Youth Activities Fund budgets. Members are asked to consider projects deferred from the March meeting and four new Wellbeing fund applications.
The report of the Area Leader, West North West updated Members on the projects funded through the Inner West Wellbeing Fund and Youth Activities Fund budgets. Members were asked to consider projects deferred from the March meeting and four new Wellbeing fund applications.
Members were informed that the Committee had received a wellbeing revenue allocation of £158,690. Including the carry forward from 2014/15, the Committee had a total budget of £210,546 for 2015/16 which had been split between the three wards as follows:
Armley £80,220
Bramley & Stanningley: £67,269
Kirkstall: £63,062
In March 2015, the Committee awarded grants totalling £141,107 to 31 projects following an open application round. The list of projects funded so far in 2015/16 was presented at Appendix 1 of the submitted report.
The remaining wellbeing balances available per ward for 2015/16 are as follows:
Armley - £39,895
Bramley & Stanningley - £13,497
Kirkstall – 16,046
The Committee considered a number of projects which were deferred from the March 2015 meeting. These projects were listed at 5 of the submitted report.
a) Bramley Shopping Centre – Security Radios £2,033
b) Bramley Community Shop - Running costs £12,000
c) Burley RUFC – Security Fencing £2,497
d) Ebor Gardens Advice Centre – Money Buddies £3,195
e) Housing Leeds – Braodlea Grove CCTV £6,600
Members were informed of the Capital Receipts Incentive Scheme (CRIS) allocation. The current Inner West CRIS balance is £20,900.
Members considered 4 new Wellbeing Fund applications:-
· Summer Holiday Targeted Provision and Armley Participation Group, £3,300 split (£934 Bramley & Kirkstall, £1,433 Armley) Appendix 2 of submitted report
· Motiv-8, Barca Leeds, £8,198 (split £4,099 Bramley, £4,099 Armley) Appendix 3 of submitted report
· Resurfacing Ley Lane footpath, Parks and Countryside £3,500 Appendix 4 of submitted report.
· Ley Lane Community Safety Scheme, Housing Leeds £10,000 Appendix 5 of submitted report
Members also discussed and considered the Armley Patient Empowerment Project (PEP) allocation of £15,000 with match funding of £35,000 from Housing Leeds Minute 9 refers
RESOLVED – That Members
a) Noted the balance of the Wellbeing budget for 2015/16
b) Considered the deferred projects listed at 5 of the submitted report outcomes as follows: -
Bramley Shopping Centre – Security Radios |
£2,033 |
Bramley Community Shop – Running Costs |
£12,000 |
APPROVED £10,000 |
Burley RUFC – Security Fencing |
£2,497 |
Ebor Gardens Advice Centre – Money Buddies |
£3,195 |
Housing Leeds – Broadlea Grove CCTV |
£6,600 |
c) Considered the new applications:-
Summer holiday targeted provision & Armley Participation Group – LCC Geographically Targeted Youth Service |
£3,300 split £934 – Bramley £1,433 - Armley |
Motiv-8 – Barca Leeds |
£8,198 split £4,099 - Bramley £4,099 - Armley |
Resurfacing Ley Lane Footpath – Parks and Countryside |
£3,500 |
Ley Lane – Community Safety Scheme – Housing Leeds |
£10,000 |
d) Noted the Youth Activity Fund projects approved by delegated decision listed at Appendix 6 of the submitted report
Members approved £15,000 for the Armley Patient Empowerment Project.
Supporting documents: