To receive a report of the West North West Area Leader which provides members with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing fund for 2015/16. The report also shows the current position of the Small Grants and skips pots and provides an update on the Youth Activity Fund.
The West North West Area Leader submitted a report which provided an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing fund for 2015/16, the current position of the Small Grants and Skips pots, together with an update on the Youth Activity Fund. Further to this, the report sought Members’ consideration of a number of funding applications which had been received since the last Committee meeting.
An updated version of appendix 1 to this report was circulated at the meeting for Members’ consideration. With regard to the updated appendix, it was noted that references to the Tarnfield Bowling Club Shelter would be transferred from the Horsforth pot to the Otley and Yeadon pot, as appropriate.
(a) That the current budget position for the Wellbeing Fund for 2015/2016, as detailed in Table 1 of the submitted report, be noted;
(b) That the following be agreed with regard to the large grant applications received:
(i) ‘Horsforth CCTV 2014/15’ – Horsforth Ward - £3,699 - That the funding for 2014/15 be approved. However, it was requested that in respect of the operation of the project in 2015/16, Leedswatch and West Yorkshire Police be invited to attend the 30th November 2015 Community Committee meeting, in order to present information regarding the effectiveness of, and associated costs for the project, to enable the Committee to consider the proposed funding arrangements for 2015/16;
(ii) ‘Guiseley & Rawdon Festive Lights’ – Guiseley and Rawdon Ward - £4,185 - That the funding be approved;
(iii)‘Horsforth PCSOs 2015/16’ – Horsforth Ward - £9,359 - That determination of this matter be deferred to the 30th November 2015 meeting, in order to enable further information to be presented to the Committee regarding the arrangements for, and effectiveness of PCSOs in the area;
(iv)‘Horsforth Festive Lights’ – Horsforth Ward - £2,340 - That the funding be approved;
(v) ‘Target Hardening’ - All 4 Outer Wards - £9,245 - That the remaining funding of £9,245 previously allocated to CASAC be transferred to ‘Care and Repair’, in order to continue the delivery of target hardening in the Outer North West area. Additionally it was requested that the Community Safety Sub Group continue to monitor how such funding was being spent;
(c) That the details of the remaining Youth Activity Fund be noted, together with the Youth Activity Fund application for ‘Sk8 Safe’ which was awarded via delegated decision on 6th July 2015;
(d) That the Small Grants which have been approved since the last Community Committee meeting, as detailed in Table 2 of the submitted report, be noted;
(e) That the Small Grant of £500 for the ‘Community Engagement Grant’ to the West North West Communities Team be approved for the purposes of room hire only (£125 per Ward) in order to facilitate the hosting of the Committee’s associated workshops. However, in approving this request, the Committee highlighted its concern that the costs of hosting such workshops should be financed from the Council’s central budget;
(f) That the allocations for the provision of skips which have been approved since the last meeting of the Community Committee, as detailed in Table 3 of the submitted report, be noted;
(g) That the current budget position for the Capital Wellbeing Fund for 2015/16, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted;
(h) That the Capital Wellbeing Large Grant Application for £7,000 regarding ‘Queensway Road Alterations’ – Guiseley and Rawdon Ward – as detailed within the submitted report, be approved.
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