To receive a report of the South and East Area Leader which to Members’ attention, a summary of key work which the Communities Team are engaged in based on priorities identified by the Community Committee, that are not covered elsewhere on this agenda. It provides opportunities for further questioning or the opportunity to request a more detailed report on a particular issue.
The South East Area Leader submitted a report which presented a summary of key work which the Area Support Team had been engaged in based on priorities identified by the Community Committee that were not covered elsewhere on the agenda.
The Community Committee Champions led discussions on the following:
Children & Families
Confirmation of the approval process for Youth Activity Fund applications was provided. Members welcomed and recognised the value of young people being involved in the process.
Employment Skills & Welfare
· Plans to hold “Welfare Reform events” in each ward within the Community Committee area during October 2015 with the opportunity for partners/stakeholders to work together to support residents were noted.
· Work was continuing with the retail and development sectors to ensure south Leeds residents were able to access retail and development work with particular reference to the expansion of the White Rose Centre.
· The Employment, Skills and Welfare Board plan was tabled at the meeting, showing the progress made against issues highlighted in the plan
· Consideration was being given on establishing a series of specific courses to support those welfare claimants with mental health issues and to link these in with the Social Prescribing Model
Environment & Community Safety
· Zonal Working workshops were planned for each ward, noting that residents were encouraged to attend these to raise any issues and to get to know their environmental services team.
· There was a discussion on the Holbeck Street Sex Work Managed Area. A number of key successes were noted within the report. An update will be provided at a future Community Committee meeting. Members noted and recognised the need to continue to maintain good working relationships with the businesses and residents of the locality, established through consultation
Health & Wellbeing
· Rachel Brighton, recently appointed Advanced Health Improvement Specialist for the South & East Locality Public Health Team, was introduced to the meeting.
· Notification of a Best Start Zone Forum on 21 September 2015 at the John Charles Centre was provided with all Members being invited.
· Social prescribing contracts had now been let, to commence in November 2015. A suggestion that the Community Committee receive a presentation on the issue at the appropriate time was noted for future action.
Members highlighted the following:
- The need to ensure that social prescribing in south Leeds met the needs of South Leeds residents, particularly referencing the mental health issues identified amongst those seeking employment, support for 16-19 year olds; and the impact of welfare reform.
- The importance of LCC providing a weekend contact centre service for residents needing support and guidance to access services
- The need to undertake a mapping exercise to identify work already being done to ensure that service provision does not overlap, compete or negate other offers
- The suggestion that a presentation be brought to a future Community Committee meeting on how young people access services and support outside school
(Councillor Nash joined the meeting at this point)
Adult Social Care - An update on the work of the Older Persons working group was provided, including information on the briefing from LCC Sustainable Energy and Climate Change Team on tackling fuel poverty and energy efficiency. It was noted that a presentation on this matter would be made to the October Older Persons Working Group meeting
Integrated Locality Working (including the work of the local Neighbourhood Improvement Boards) – An update was provided. It was reiterated that the public were welcome to attend the Neighbourhood Improvement Board meetings
Localism (including the Town and District Centres 2 programme) – An update was provided on work that has been completed to date. It was noted that further meetings were needed to build on the relationships now established with local traders to address the litter bin issues.
Holbeck Neighbourhood Forum – The Annual General Meeting took place on the 5th September 2015 and 2 new Board members had been appointed. A comment that the last meeting had not been well attended by residents was noted. It was acknowledged that further work to publicise the Forum and Board needs to be undertaken
Community Infrastructure Levy – The Community Committee commended the workshop held on 31 July 2015 and noted the suggestion that it would be useful to hold a similar workshop at a future Community Committee meeting
Community Led Local Development
· The Community Committee received an update on the current position and noted that South Leeds remained in a strong position to benefit from the initiative, due to the public engagement work already undertaken.
· A detailed and refreshed update would be provided to the Community Committee in due course.
· Members noted a comment that smoking and housing insulation contributed to the life-span differences recorded between north and south Leeds residents; along with the suggestion that a project concentrating on housing insulation would be appropriate for a future community led initiative
Community Centres –
· The update provided in the report clarified what a “free-let” meant in monetary terms in order to inform future Community Committee decision making, now that the function of free-lets approval had been delegated to Community Committees
· Concern was expressed over the length of time taken to secure a new operator for the Old Cockburn Sports Club. It was reported that the Community Asset Transfer process had commenced, with Expression of Interests being issued soon to ensure open competition. The Community Committee reiterated its support for a local organisation taking control of the facility
RESOLVED – The Community Committee noted the contents of the report and the comments made during discussions
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