To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an outline application for residential development of up to 72 dwellings
The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an outline application for a residential development of up to 72 dwellings at Horsforth Campus, Calverley Lane, Horsforth.
Site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion on the application.
Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:
· A position statement was given at the last meeting. There had been a revision to the indicative layout and an increase in the number of dwellings from 66 to 72.
· The site was within the greenbelt and was already developed.
· School provision in the area.
· There would be up to 25 affordable housing units on the site.
· Traffic assessment – it was not considered that the proposals would significantly add to congestion at peak times.
· There would be a condition for maintenance of the adjoining sports pitches and grassed areas.
· The application was recommended for approval subject to conditions and a Section 106 agreement.
A local Ward Councillor addressed the Panel with objections to the application. These included the following:
· The site had a long history of educational provision and could continue to be used for this purpose.
· The current buildings could be used to provide secondary or 6th form education of which there was a shortage in the area.
· The proposals were in dispute with the Site Allocation process.
· There was opposition to the development of housing on the site.
· It was requested that the application be deferred to allow Asset Management to find a different solution.
The applicant addressed the Panel. Issues highlighted included the following:
· As part of the Leeds City College estate rationalisation it had been decided to dispense with this site.
· The Horsforth college site was due to close in July 2016.
· There had been some opposition to the proposals during public consultation but the proposals had been relatively well received.
· There had been extensive dialogue with Children’s Services and it had been concluded that there was not a demand for the use of the site from their perspective.
The Panel heard representations from Children’s Services. Issues highlighted included the following:
· According to data numbers for primary provision were currently at a high rate and it was suggested that this could decrease. It was factored in that there would be uplift in development and it was considered that there needed to be another half form entry for primary provision in the Horsforth area.
· With regards to secondary provision, it was reported that Horsforth School was oversubscribed though there were places available in other schools in the area. Expansion possibilities had been discussed with Horsforth School.
In response to Members comments and questions, the following was discussed:
· Concern that the site was isolated and not suitable for housing.
· Further to concern that the site should be kept for education provision, it was reported that granting outline planning permission for this application did not necessarily mean that the site could still be used for education.
RESOLVED – That the application be approved as per the officer recommendation and conditions outlined in the report.
(Councillor J Heselwood withdrew from the meeting during the discussion and voting on this item)
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