Agenda item

Application for the grant of a premises licence for Bargain Booze 23 Nora Place, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 3JE

To receive an pplication for the grant of a premises licence for Bargain Booze 23 Nora Place, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 3JE


 The Sub Committee heard an application for the grant of a premises licence for Bargain Booze, 23 Nora Place, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 3JE.


This was the first application for the premises which had previously traded as a chemist.


In attendance were:


Mr  A Pandit – Proposed Licence Holder

Ms Sherratt – Licence Holders Agent


Cllr K Ritchie – Objecting


Several members of the public – objecting


Ms Sherratt addressed the Sub Committee, she highlighted the following:


Alcohol sales would form 20 – 25% of of total sales, due to this being ‘select’ convenience store and not just a store selling alcohol.


The operators were very experienced and ran a similar convenience store in Bradford, having had no issues or complaints with regards to their operation.


The applicant would be investing a total of £90,000 to re-furbish the store which would have a state of the art till system offering prompts on all sales of alcohol.


The staff running the store would be trained on alcohol sales and would all also be required to attain personal licences. The owner, Mr Pandit, would be working at the store full time.


The Sub – Committee heard that Bargain Booze franchises had operated successfully in Leeds for many years and that 13 stores were currently open. None of the stores had ever been subject to a review of the licence.


It was confirmed to the Sub-Committee that West Yorkshire Police were happy with the CCTV being installed and the check 25 policy to be adopted.


In addressing the representations made Ms Sherratt contended that objections raising concerns about parking and traffic were not a relevant issue for the Sub-Committee.


It was confirmed that the premises would be looked after, kept litter free and have a positive impact on the area.


It was highlighted that stores in the area such as Tesco had similar licensing hours.


Crime mapping statistics were raised and it was put to the Sub- Committee that this was a lightly policed area that posed few problems for the Police.


Members sought confirmation on the percentage of alcohol sales and also asked what consultation had been undertaken with local residents. It was confirmed that only notices in the papers had been used to consult with the residents.


Councillor Ritchie addressed the Sub-Committee raising concerns that if the licence should be granted it could cause anti-social behaviour to spread towards this otherwise quiet neighbourhood. Other premises in the area do not stay open until 11:00pm and that granting this application would encourage other licenced premises to stay open until this time.


Councillor Ritchie considered it highly likely that should the licence be granted there would be an increase in litter in the area.


Concern over the increased traffic in the area was raised with the Sub-Committee and the potential risk to public safety.


The Sub – Committee heard concerns about public health specifically the protection of children and the high levels of domestic violence in the Bramley and Stanningley ward often fuelled by alcohol.


Mr Hudson, addressed the Sub-Committee highlighting fears about anti-social behaviour fuelled by cheap alcohol and underage drinking.  Although Mr Hudson does not live in the area, he has two daughters who do.


Highways issues were raised as a concern specifically the increase in traffic and difficulties caused by vehicles parking near the shop.


The Sub Committee were informed that the shop would be on the route to two large schools and as such was an advert for a place to obtain cheap drink.


General concerns were raised about the grant of a licence to this premise as being detrimental to the area.


Mr Garrett, a local resident addressed the Sub Committee and highlighted the large number of parents and children passing the shop, voicing concerns that a Bargain Booze store would not be a good influence.


The Sub-Committee heard about the parking issues that would be encountered and the noise problems of deliveries early in the morning.


Mr Garrett expressed disappointment at the lack of consultation with local residents.


Members asked questions about the level of consultation, specifically if ward councillors had been consulted. It was confirmed that ward Councillors had not been approached by the applicant.


The Sub-Committee carefully considered the application and the objections.  They fully understood and respected the concerns raised by the objectors.  Having considered the information provided by the Applicant, the Sub-Committee could see no reason why granting the Application would be likely to impact on the licensing objectives.



RESOLVED – That the application be granted as applied for except that alcohol is not to be served before 8:00am and where applicable sold in multipacks of no less than 4.


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