To consider the joint report of the Director of City Development and the Director of Children’s Services which provides details on the outcomes arising from the recent State of the City event, with reference made in particular to the actions being taken to address the issue of skills shortages within the city’s manufacturing sector.
This Director of City Development and the Director of Children’s Services submitted a joint report presenting the outcomes arising from the recent ‘State of the City’ event, with particular reference being made to the actions being taken to address the issue of skills shortages within the city, particularly with regard to the manufacturing sector.
Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board was provided with further detail on the specific actions which were being or would be undertaken to address the issue of skills shortages in this area.
Emphasis was placed upon the need to effectively convey the importance of the manufacturing sector in the city and the actions that needed to be taken to promote the sector with young people.
In conclusion, it was requested that a further report be submitted to a future Board meeting which provided more information on the actions being taken in this area, and the outcomes arising from such actions.
(a) That the following actions be approved:-
· Telling and selling the story of Leeds manufacturing
The Council support measures to better tell the story of Leeds’ manufacturing, including: facilitating better collaboration between employers and schools; encouraging greater engagement between Elected Members and manufacturing businesses in their Wards; and supporting further development of the Leeds Manufacturing Forum website, newsletter and other communications activity.
· Fostering innovation and collaboration
Facilitation of greater connections between manufacturers and universities, linking these with initiatives such as the Retail Institute at Leeds Beckett University, the National Facility for Innovative Robotic Systems and the Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering at the University of Leeds, and to national bodies and with programmes such as Innovate UK.
· Developing skills and increasing the diversity of the workforce
To explore possibilities for greater collaboration between schools and businesses in promoting opportunities offered by a career in manufacturing, including further embedding the awareness among young people and schools of apprenticeship pathways, and work to support all schools including the newly established Leeds University Technical College.
To look into further opportunities to support diversity in the manufacturing workforce, including: 1) considering how the manufacturing sector can be involved in work to increase BAME representation on apprenticeships; and 2) collaborate with Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) in promoting opportunities for women in manufacturing.
Look at further means by which the voice of employers can be heard by education and training providers in creating and delivering courses that reflect the needs of local businesses.
· Supporting business growth
To explore what further support can be given to strengthen the Leeds Manufacturing Forum, working with the Chamber of Commerce and manufacturing businesses.
To review how a wider range of sites and premises can be brought forward through means available to Leeds City Council, including, but not limited to, the Enterprise Zone.
(b) That it be noted that the Chief Officers for Economic Development and Employment and Skills will be responsible for overseeing the implementation of such matters, with a future update report being provided to Executive Board in due course, which provides more information on the actions being taken in this area, and the outcomes arising from such actions.
(Councillor Golton left the meeting at 1.50pm during the consideration of this item, with Councillor J Bentley attending in his place for the remainder of the meeting)
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