Agenda item

Inner South Community Committee Summary of Key Work Report

To receive a report of the South East Area Leader which brings together Members’ attention, a summary of key work which the Communities Team are engaged in based on priorities identified by the Community Committee, that are not covered elsewhere on this agenda. It provides opportunities for further questioning or the opportunity to request a more detailed report on a particular issue.


The South East Area Leader submitted a report which presented a summary of key work which the Communities Team had been engaged in based on priorities identified by the Community Committee that were not covered elsewhere on the agenda.


Led by Community Committee Champions and lead officers, Members discussed the following:


Children’s & Families Sub Group


The Sub Group met on 25th February 2016 and had considered the funding of Youth Activities and how this should be managed. Members were informed that any organisation can apply for funding for outings and events. Applications were considered and some further information was sought from some of the applicants.  The next Children and Families sub group will take place on 31st March.


Employment Skills and Welfare


The opportunities for collaborative working with the government run organisation Ingeus who provide training and employment services in Inner South was noted.


The Committee were informed that 70% of people attending the Hunslet Club were going on to further education which was a resounding success.


It was noted that more work was needed to get people to engage with the Holbeck Project to be a success.


In terms of the South Leeds Debt Forum it was reported that demand for debt advice was high


Environment & Community Safety Sub Group


The Committee were addressed by Chief Inspector Mathew of West Yorkshire Police who outlined the new structure and staffing arrangements for the Policing of the South Inner Area of Leeds and the wider City. The Chief Inspector went through the budget cuts faced by the Police but commented that the 2016/17 budget had not been cut as expected which had resulted in the possibility of recruitment going forward.


Members sought assurance that the PCSO’s funded by Leeds City Council would not be moved to tackle problems in other areas.


Members considered it important that the Sergeants in the Inner South became more available and visible to the community in order to promote confidence in West Yorkshire Police.


The Committee requested that PCSO’s continue to issue fines for dog fouling where they observe it.


Members were provided with an update on Leeds Managed Approach to Street Sex Working.



Health & Wellbeing


It was confirmed to the Committee that Best Start Zones action plan had now been finalised.


The difference between social prescribing and Health Trainers was explained.


The Committee were also updated on reducing smoking prevalence rates and Bowel cancer screening.


Adult Social Care


Members were reminded that an Older Persons Day Celebration event was taking place on 21st March 2016 at the Civic Hall, Leeds, and that anyone over 50 should be encouraged to attend.


Holbeck Neighbourhood Forum


An update was provided on behalf of the Holbeck Neighbourhood Forum. The South and East Area Leader informed the Committee that Historical England wanted to review the neighbourhood plan before it is out for consultation.


Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Update


Members noted the small amounts of money paid to the Committee but were informed that this would build up to something more meaningful. The South and East Area Leader informed the Committee that a CIL working group is to be established which would focus on developing an infrastructure plan. Councillor Groves asked for a breakdown of all CIL money allocations to other areas.


Commemorating the First World War: Somme 2016


Members discussed the best way to use the £1,000 earmarked for events to commemorate the battle of the Somme and agreed to give this further consideration.


Community Centres


Members requested a further piece of work be done on the number of people and groups using the buildings available. The Committee noted that some groups received grant funding form the Council and also then receive free lets at community centres.





(a)  That the contents of the report be noted; and

(b)  Further work be completed in relation to the numbers of people and groups receiving free lets at community centres and whether or not they also receive Leeds City Council funding.





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