To receive a report of the Chief Planning Officer which details an application for Development of 291 residential dwellings with open space and associated infrastructure on land east of Great North Road, Micklefield.
The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report which detailed an application for the Development of 291 residential dwellings with open space and associated infrastructure on land east of Great North Road, Micklefield.
Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application. Members had also attended a site visit prior to discussion of the item.
Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:
The Panel then heard from Councillor Crossley, Chairman of Micklefield
Parish Council, who objected to the proposals. Information put forward
The Panel then heard from Paul Butler of PB Planning Ltd, agent for the applicant and Paul Wharam from Barratt Homes. Information put forward included:
A representative from Childrens Services updated the Panel on the situation with the local primary school and that expansion was being considered and could be accommodated.
The Chief Planning Officer commented that in terms of expanding the school it would be possible to encroach on to the green belt as the school’s pitches could be moved in to the greenbelt.
In response to Members comments and questions, the following was discussed:
The Head of Planning Services commented that officers would give careful consideration to the design of the homes and ensure Members comments were incorporated. It was also confirmed to Members that the school issue would be fully considered as would the link of the proposed development to existing housing stock.
RESOLVED – The Panel resolved to defer and delegate approval to the Chief Planning Officer in order to finalise the conditions and S106 agreement as set out in the submitted report subject to there being an additional link provided to the site from the NE of Garden Village and further consultation with the Parish Council regarding materials and chimneys.
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